
How to become the person you want to be

I always had this question in the back of my head for some time now: how to become the person you want to be. That's why I finally decided to compile a guide with my favorite steps that everyone should take. Becoming the person you want to be involves a combination of...

6 ways to use binaural beats for sleep and anxiety

Let's discuss some of the most common ways to use binaural beats for sleep and anxiety. In recent years, binaural beats have become a popular tool for reducing stress and improving sleep.  Binaural beats are sound waves that have been specifically designed to...

Binaural beats delta waves for deep healing sleep

Welcome to the world of binaural beats delta waves for deep healing sleep! If you've ever struggled with falling asleep or waking up feeling exhausted, then this article is for you. We're about to dive into the fascinating realm of these powerful auditory tools that...
11 ways to Heal Your Crown Chakra

11 ways to Heal Your Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the last among the seven energy vortices and it's part of the spiritual body. It is the energetic doorway through which we can receive The Light. That’s why it is said that opening the crown chakra is the last step of enlightenment. It represents...

11 ways to Heal Your Third Eye Chakra

11 ways to Heal Your Third Eye Chakra

Third eye chakra is one of the three more spiritual chakras and it is responsible for reality, instinct, thought, and awareness. Recognizing the function of each chakra is an important initial step toward balancing your chakras and creating a unified flow of energy....

9 Ways To Heal Your Throat Chakra

9 Ways To Heal Your Throat Chakra

Being the first among the three more divine or spiritual chakras, ... the Throat chakra is responsible for communication and expression of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is our core of expression regarding verbalizing our truths. Commonly, this chakra...

9 Tips To Help You Start Your Meditation Practice

9 Tips To Help You Start Your Meditation Practice

We’re all going through challenging times, as the virus spreads with no cure. What was once normal, now is in quarantine. For how long? Unfortunately, we don’t have a clear answer to that. What we can do, while stuck inside our homes, is to keep ourselves and our...

Heal Through the Power of Nature even if you’re stuck indoors

Heal Through the Power of Nature even if you’re stuck indoors

Many of us devote a big chunk of the day on our devices, be it computers, smartphones or tablets. As the majority of the globe is stuck at home due to this pandemic, we’re most likely depending on our devices even more to work from home, read the news, help our...

The Hawaiian Healing Art of Ho’oponopono

The Hawaiian Healing Art of Ho’oponopono

Do you know about the ancient Hawaiian healing practice of Ho’oponopono? Recently we are chatting more and more about the favorable aspects that might result from this pandemic lockdown. Due to these weeks of quarantine, it might arise a higher awareness of community,...

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