11 Ways to Heal Your Root Chakra

11 Ways to Heal Your Root Chakra

Being part of the seven energy cores or chakras located along our spine, … the Root chakra is the first and also the foundation of the seven. Since the Root chakra is our base, our foundation, I feel like offering … a bit more information about it and how...
11 ways to Heal Your Crown Chakra

11 ways to Heal Your Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the last among the seven energy vortices and it’s part of the spiritual body. It is the energetic doorway through which we can receive The Light. That’s why it is said that opening the crown chakra is the last step of enlightenment. It...
11 ways to Heal Your Third Eye Chakra

11 ways to Heal Your Third Eye Chakra

Third eye chakra is one of the three more spiritual chakras and it is responsible for reality, instinct, thought, and awareness. Recognizing the function of each chakra is an important initial step toward balancing your chakras and creating a unified flow of energy....
9 Ways To Heal Your Throat Chakra

9 Ways To Heal Your Throat Chakra

Being the first among the three more divine or spiritual chakras, … the Throat chakra is responsible for communication and expression of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is our core of expression regarding verbalizing our truths. Commonly, this chakra...