At 16 weeks’ gestation, we become aware of vibration, and life begins to filter into us.

Brainwave entrainment

It is that thing that most people don’t understand, few think it’s bollocks and few people vow this works.

For those who don’t really know what brainwave entrainment is here’s a quick explanation.

Patterns of neural firing, measured in Hz, correspond with states of alertness such as focused attention, deep sleep, deep meditative state, etc.

By synchronizing your brainwaves frequencies with the help of an external tool, in this case, sound beats at certain frequencies, you will be able to raise your vibration and make your everyday perfect by inducing a desired state of consciousness that corresponds with specific neural activity, such as studying, exercising, sleeping, doing creative work, meditating and so on.

Ok. So, you’re at the bar, or in a club and your favorite song starts to play. Suddenly, even if you’re sitting or standing at the bar, your body feels the urge to move with that rhythm.

We all know and experience this phenomenon which goes deeper than the urge to move. Researches show that our hearts synchronize with the music, with that beat.

The same principle can be applied to entrain our brainwave patterns if certain frequencies are used.

Our brain operates at certain levels of activity and these levels are associated with a certain type of frequency as you can see below:

  • Beta brainwaves (13-40 Hz) Fully awake and alert state. Associated with worry, stress, paranoia, fear, anger, excessive mind chatter. Too much time in beta state weakens the immune system. This is the state most people spend most of their time.
  • Alpha brainwaves (8-12 Hz) Meditative state. Great for learning and studying, calm and peaceful, advanced focus, good for anxiety, depression, panic.
  • Theta brainwaves (4-7 Hz) Asleep or deep meditative state. Associated with super creativity, advanced problem solving, better sleep, emotional intelligence.
  • Delta brainwaves (0.1-3 Hz) Deep sleep or deepest meditative state. Scientists believe this to be the most beneficial state. Associated with deep, dreamless sleep, super-healing, rejuvenation, longevity, highly advanced awareness, best for the immune system.

This is as far as I go into this tech side of brainwave frequencies.

Google brainwave entrainment and soon you’ll be overwhelmed by the vast amount of information that will make things more complicated.

That’s why I would like to keep it simple and ask you a question.

So far, in your life, have you ever had moments when you felt like every little thing just falls in place like somehow it was meant for you?

On your way to work people smile at you and you both nod and feel the mutual love and respect like somehow you are connected.

Your boss and colleagues are friendly and easy to work with. In the evening you go out and meet your friends and they’re kind and supportive and again you feel that connection in the air.

Or maybe more amazing things happen to you. You meet a beautiful person who then becomes your other half.

Or you end up with a sum of money which you have no idea from where it came.

Did this happen to you?

Even if you didn’t notice, I know that it did. It happens to all of us; we all have moments in our lives when everything seems to be laid down in front of us with divine precision.

Did you wonder how can you make it happen again?

This happens when you operate on a higher vibrational level, high frequency.

You were in sync with the world around you, hence you were attracting joy and goodness. You as a person looked exactly the same but your energy was very different.

The atoms in your body were operating at optimal levels and because of it, instead of experiencing frustration and loss and pain, you attracted love and success.

That’s why when you’re on a low frequency, you are disconnected from those around you, from your world.

You’re like that piece of a puzzle that does not want fit anywhere and no matter how hard you try, you only are damaging it.

It hurts more than it helps.

When operating on high frequency, you find your place effortlessly and everything comes to you like somehow attracting them.

Life works, life is beautiful. Maybe traditional science cannot explain it, but we know it’s true because we’re all experiencing it.

Ok, but where does brainwave entrainment come into play?

I’m glad you asked.

It’s a tool.

And we’re lucky to have it because with it you can achieve what most call brainwave synchronization thus allowing your brain to operate at a higher vibration level.

As I told you at the beginning of this article, it is believed that if measured in Hz (Hertz) the patterns of neural firing, will correspond with different states of alertness.

Brainwave entrainment makes use of that and synchronizes our brain waves with the help of a sound played at a certain frequency which corresponds to the desired state of alertness, like focused attention, deep sleep, advanced creativity, etc.

It takes also the even worse out-of-sync brain, the one that’s operating at a very low frequency which regularly draws in misery and suffering and makes it perform beautifully.

It brings purpose as well as energy and enthusiasm and boosts the vibration of the person to a degree where his life transforms entirely.

It’s so successful that some individuals call it “the best self-development tool that was ever created”.

And I think there are right. I have discovered that by working with brainwave entrainment I get far better results, every time. More effectively than reading, writing, meditating.

In fact, you can massively improve all these if you listen to some good vibrations.

This is precisely how brainwave entrainment aids you.

Behind all those elaborate terms, behind all those technical descriptions that nearly no one comprehends, brainwave entrainment does the job since it elevates your vibration levels.

They assist your brain to operate a lot better.

You’ll be in sync with the universe, thus aiding you to act at your greatest, attracting the right people and the right conditions in your life.

Just simply visualize how your life would look like, every day if you operated at your peak. If on a daily basis, instead of suffering and complications, you’d be bathed in good luck.

You would have that unique energy and concentration and enthusiasm that brings in the right people and situations in your life.

Visualize just how you’d really feel if you might manifest your most valuable objective in the following day.

You might attract the person you love or draw in more cash in your life or perhaps obtain that chance to advancement at the office.

And now, imagine a life where this takes place every day, all day, where good luck is not some uncommon occasion that occurs two or three times a year yet a day-to-day event.

Do you want to do this?

If yes, I might be able to help.

There is a unique program developed to bring your brain to the higher frequencies we have talked about above. It’s plug and play.

Don’t worry there’s no homework for you to do nor look into what various frequencies do and how to utilize them effectively.

You simply play them during the night or when you’re relaxing or taking a nap and it will gradually adjust and fine-tune your brain for the higher vibrations you desire.

It’s like vitamin C.

You listen to it and things will improve, however, while vitamin C protects you from getting colds and boost your immune system, this program will certainly assist you to materialize love, power, wealth, or anything else that’s of value to you.

I would like to recommend a program that changed the way I think and perceive the world around me.

It helped me connect the dots and elevate my knowledge to a new level of understanding.

This program is called “Manifestation Magic”.

As far as I know, it’s the only program that is particularly created to aid you to manifest what you want in your life.

The majority of brainwave entrainment programs are created to simply aid you to concentrate better or perhaps to develop more mental power.

This is remarkable but not everyone wants to do mathematics quicker in their heads.

Maybe you’re not interested in being more effective.

Don’t get me wrong. To be more productive is good, but what if you don’t have the mindset?

It will take you years to obtain what you desire.

I want you to manifest the life you desire.

I want you to attract, now, the love, the success, the wealth, the prosperity that’s rightfully yours.

You don’t have to study.

And you don’t have to read anything. You don’t have to actively participate in this.

For this to work, you need to allow the power of brainwave syncing to tweak your brain and raise its level of vibration.

You simply download it, on your PC or phone, or any digital device of your choice, and before you go to sleep, play it.

Put on your headphones, listen and allow the process.

Soon after that, you’ll see exactly how things will be different in your life.

How people are more receptive and how possibilities you’ve never considered reveal from literally thin air. How everything feels right, and you recognize that this is your day.

And with the help of “Manifestation Magic”, every day will be your day.

Click on the link below to get started with brainwave entrainment and to manifest what you truly desire in your life.

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