Ever since I’ve discovered chakras and how everything is connected at a vibrational level, I wanted to compile an introduction on healing the root chakra with crystals and stones.

The Root chakra (Muladhara) is the first and the foundation of the seven energy cores that reside along the spinal cord.

It is one of the three chakras of matter which start at the base of the spine.

It is associated with the element of earth and the color red.

Due to its earthing association the root chakra color might also be represented as gray, black, or brown.

Muladhara is the chakra of stability, safety, and our fundamental needs (both physical and emotional).

Now that you have a little insight into the root chakra let’s see what stones and crystals we can use to balance and heal it.

If you want to know more about the Root chakra head over here where I explain it in more depth and find out other methods that you can use to heal the Muladhara.

How healing the root chakra with crystals and stones works

The best method is by placing the respective crystal or stone over your energy points, such as chakras.

But, having the majority of stones aesthetically pleasing it’s very easy to wear them as jewelry.

Bracelets or pendants being the most popular because these locations place the stones over your vital pulse points.

You could choose the more discreet approach by wearing them as rings or earrings.

Crystals and stones could be placed in key locations inside your living environment.

For example, you could place them on your desk or near you while doing meditation.

There are some stones, like Black Tourmaline for example, that can be placed under your pillow.

Doing so will cleanse your aura and clear out worries and therefore will help you get a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed fully ready for the day that lies ahead.

Crystal water bottle

Another method to use these stones and gems is the crystal water bottle. 

There are many options to choose from on the market, but if you’re a DIY fan you can make one yourself.

Have your preferred crystal placed inside a glass bottle and then fill that bottle with fresh water. Ideally, you should allow some time to pass before consuming it. That way you allow the crystal to revitalize and restructure (energetically) your drink(s).

Nowadays, it’s easier and cheaper to artificially produce crystals, stones and gems.

Not saying that man-made crystals are not efficient, but if you do that choose some that have a little life prior to their shelf life.

That’s why I insist on always choosing to use natural crystals and stones since most of them are widespread and relatively cheap.

Choose the properties, not the package.

So, to recap here is how healing the root chakra with crystals and stones can be applied:

  • Worn as jewelry
  • Placed on vital points on your body – chakra stones
  • Used in key locations inside your living environment
  • Inside a crystal water bottle

Here are some basic usage tips:

  • Avoid combining soft and hard stones during wearing. For example, amber is very soft, while hematite is very hard.
  • Do not spray or use any beauty products on them.
  • Do not wear them during sunbathing. Heat can alter their appearance and properties.
  • To be washed regularly with room temperature water and mild soap. Do not use detergents or other cleaning products.
  • Clean and dry them with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid exposing them to extreme temperature variations, especially from very cold to very hot.
  • Take them off when going for a bath in swimming pools and/or ocean/sea. Swimming pool water has a lot of chlorine and ocean/seawater is salty, both can alter your crystals.
  • It goes without saying but try not to wear them during workouts. Sweat can cause corrosion.

Not all stones can be washed!

Please make sure that you can expose them to water before cleaning them with water.

For example, Angelite turns to gypsum when it comes in contact with water.

Below you’ll discover some of the best stones and crystals that you can use to heal the Root chakra.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline - healing the root chakra with crystals and stones

Black tourmaline is a crystalline boron silicate mineral; it’s a mix of elements such as aluminum, magnesium, iron, lithium, sodium or potassium.

Tourmaline can be found in a broad variety of colors, predominantly blahttps://bewellnes.com/11-ways-to-heal-your-root-chakra/ck, all around the world and it’s classified as a semi-precious stone.

It’s best known to have the following metaphysical healing properties:

  • Cleanses your aura
  • Eliminates negative thoughts
  • It releases anger and unworthiness
  • Grounding your energies (to the earth)
  • Psychical protection against negative entities

Black tourmaline helps ground your energy, thus opening up the connection between Earth and your soul.

This is why so many recommend black tourmaline as a healing crystal for the root chakra.

You can use black tourmaline during meditation practice, wear it on you or even under your pillow during sleep.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Libras, Scorpio, Capricorn

Red Jasper

Jasper is an aggregate of micro granular quartz and/or chalcedony and other mineral phases.

It’s an impure variety of silica, usually red, yellow, brown or green.

In healing the root chakra with crystals and stones, red jasper is a protective stone and an amazing one for empowerment and self-confidence.

Here are some of the highlighted healing benefits:

  • Gives you the strength to resist emotional domination by others
  • Provides you the courage to overcome domestic violence
  • Sparks the sexual and creative energies
  • Awakens the kundalini energy

The red jasper is a powerful crystal for awakening the kundalini energy that dwells at the base of the spine.

All jaspers connect to the earth and therefore can help the grounding process.

Since the Root chakra is the energy core of stability, safety and our fundamental needs, both physical and emotional, you can understand why Red Jasper is a powerful stone to use in your chakra healing routines.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo, Virgo, Scorpio


The bloodstone is the mineral aggregate heliotrope, a cryptocrystalline mixture of quartz that occurs mostly as jasper or sometimes chalcedony.

The classic bloodstone is an opaque green jasper with red inclusions of hematite.

Here are some of the Bloodstone metaphysical properties:

  • Excellent blood cleanser
  • Detoxifies your bladder, kidneys, liver, intestines and spleen
  • Helps with decision making
  • Cleanses your environment of negativity
  • It helps ground you in the present moment
  • Grants wisdom and courage

In the past, before going to battle warriors took a piece of bloodstone on them in order to grant them strength and courage.

This stone works well on all the lower chakras or the physical chakras, but its connection is stronger with the root chakra.

That’s why many recommend bloodstone for root chakra healing.

Off-topic but worth mentioning, is the fact that this stone it’s also a great heart chakra healer.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Aries

Red Carnelian

Red Carnelian - healing the root chakra with crystals and stones

The Carnelian is a brownish-red mineral commonly used as a semi-precious gemstone.

It’s a variety of silica minerals chalcedony colored by impurities of iron oxide.

Its color can vary from pale orange to an intense almost-black coloration.

Here are some of the red carnelian properties:

  • It boosts willpower and self-confidence
  • Protects against rage, envy, and resentment
  • Provides courage and promotes positive life choices

Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal ideal for anchoring you in the present, hence its association with the root chakra.

If you feel disconnected from those around you, Carnelian can help revitalize your spirit.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo, Virgo


Garnet is a group of silicate minerals and can be found in one of the following species or types: pyrope, almandine, spessartine, grossular, uvarovite and andradite.

For root chakra healing, it is recommended that you use the Almandine garnet from all the types listed above.

Similar to the bloodstone, the garnet crystal has the ability to reduce body toxins.

Some of the garnet healing properties that are worth mentioning are:

  • Garnet rejuvenates, purifies, and balances the energy of the root chakra
  • It gives a protective influence and a calming steady vitality
  • The stone of commitment – a great ally for healing relationships

Garnet activates the structured rise of the Kundalini. It will assist you to discover your sexuality, as well as aid get rid of any inhibitions.

This is a stone of long-lasting love; hence it will strengthen affection and devotion.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Virgo


Onyx - healing the root chakra with crystals and stones

Onyx is a silicate mineral chalcedony.

Agate and Onyx are both varieties of layered chalcedony; the difference between them is the form of the bands. Agate has curved bands while Onyx has parallel bands.

This is a secretive stone, and it is known for storing a lot of old memories.

That’s why it’s the ideal stone for healing the root chakra with crystals and stones, because it clears bad Karma and heals from grief.

Keeping a piece of onyx assists you resolve arguments and eliminate excess energies.

Some use this stone to help them recuperate and/or carry on from an unsuccessful relationship.

Onyx boosts physical endurance and reinforces the heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves.

By rubbing it between the fingers, people in the Mideast believe to overcome sturdy and contradictory emotions. That’s why people call Onyx a worry stone.

Below you’ll find Onyx metaphysical properties:

  • It provides strength
  • Onyx promotes stamina, vigor, and steadfastness
  • Expels grief
  • Enhances self-control
  • Encourages wise decision-making

It is one of the strongest grounding stones.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo


Hematite is a common iron oxide compound and is widely found in rocks and soils. It occurs in various forms such as kidney ore, martite (pseudomorphs after magnetite), iron rose and specularite (specular hematite).

Hematite’s mined as iron ore and can be found in black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish-brown, or red colors.

If you find yourself at the mercy of other people’s negative moods and vibes, then Hematite is a strong ally in repelling all that negative energy. In other words, if you’re an empath, Hematite is a must-have.

Hematite has earthy energy and that’s why it’s one of the best stones to leverage the power of one of the five elements – earth.

Below you’ll find highlighted some of the healing properties of hematite:

  • Helps you focus
  • Good for organizing your thoughts and developing logical skills
  • Clears negativity
  • Balances self-esteem

Same as tourmaline and jasper, hematite is a powerful rooting stone.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Aquarius

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz - healing the root chakra with crystals and stones

The Smoky Quartz significance works to link you to the supporting energy of the earth while likewise linking you to a greater state of being, directing you to carry on from lower vibrational energies that may wear you down.

As a result of its effective detoxing and cleansing characteristics, this crystal is among the most powerful stones to work with for letting go and removing any type of unwanted energies and negative spirits.

In the past, placing the smoky quartz outside the house or in the windows will prevent wandering spirits from invading the sacred space of one’s home.

Despite its looks, smoky quartz is a highly grounding stone. Knowing that around twenty percent of Earth’s crust is made up of quartz, that comes as no surprise.

Here are some metaphysical properties of the Smoky Quartz

  • Brings you clarity and insight
  • Improves the way you relate to the world around you
  • Strengthens your survival instincts
  • Enhances creativity and lateral thinking
  • Relieves painful emotions and avoids absorbing toxic energies

The Smoky Quartz is a highly protective stone, therefore many use it as an amulet to avert danger.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio

Before you go, I must explain some terms I used above and more specifically the zodiac birthstones.

What are zodiac birthstones?

Zodiac birthstones, aka Astral birthstones, are based on astrological signs.

Unlike modern birthstones which are related to your calendar birth month, zodiac birthstones are related to your astrological sign.

What you saw above, under each crystal is the attribution of the respective gem with the zodiac sign(s).

Thank you for reading this far.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!
