I have seen the numerous TikTok video clips regarding the 369 Manifestation method lately and this is why I decided to make an introduction to the 3-6-9 manifestation method.

Based on The Law Of Attraction (LOA), your thoughts immediately influence your reality,

… and also, this is where manifestation comes to play.

If it’s currently there, discovering just how to show up something is as simple as assuming.

Nonetheless, it appears very easy until it’s done.

There are different methods you can attract your wishes right into your life, and also among them is the 3, 6, 9 Method.

Originally, the method was popularized by Nikola Tesla or…

That’s what the internet is claiming.

The more appropriate affirmation is that all that apply the 3-6-9 manifestation method…

… were inspired by Tesla’s obsession with numbers, in particular three, six and nine.

Before venturing into the introduction to the 3-6-9 manifestation method,

… I need to explain a little about Tesla’s obsession with numbers and…

Present some information in order to open up new horizons.

Feel free to research more into any of the presented subjects.

Also, remember to keep an open mind and think laterally.

What is the Nikola Tesla 3-6-9 method?

Tesla had this attraction towards numbers and if you have a wider knowledge, you’ll understand that…

… those aren’t just numbers, this is numerology.

To give you an example of how he applied numerology,

… some of his habits included:

  • walking around a block 3 times before entering the building;
  • only choosing the hotel’s rooms which had their number divisible by 3.

Let’s take the latter. Let’s say I choose a hotel room which has the number 1404.

If you divide 1404 by 3, you’ll see that the result is 468 (no remainder).

If you choose to have a single digit number by summing all the digits from 1404 like 1+4+0+4…

… you’ll see that the single digit number will be 9, perfectly divisible by 3.

Also, if you reduce to a single digit number the result of 1404 / 3,

… you’ll see that you’ll end up with a nine:  4 + 6 + 8 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9.

If you just understood the greatness of the 3, 6, as well as 9, after that you would certainly have the secret to deep space.

Although there are no actual references anywhere it’s being stated by him…

… we have to be aware that not only Tesla knew about the meaning of the number three.

Let’s take a scientific example, like the atom consisting of three subatomic particles (proton, neutron and electron).

Also, we can take a thoughtful look at the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus and Holy Spirit).

So indeed, it’s not simply made renowned by TikTok users…

It actually is real!

Apparently, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are sacred numbers that you can see each day.

Moreover, no matter the number of times you separate these numbers…

They will constantly amount to three, six, and nine.

Interesting facts that deserve more digging

I want to give you some examples of how powerful numbers are and…

… to realize that there is a vast knowledge behind these simple numbers.

Vortex math and the Rodin coil

A curious thing happens with 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, and 5; the enumeration is not random.

If you double each of those numbers and then reduce them to a single-digit number by summing each digit,

… you’ll see that the results will follow the exact order I just enumerated above.

And, no matter how many times you repeat the process…

… you’ll always end up with those numbers.

The numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 7 and 5 are considered to be physical numbers,

… meaning that they are corresponding to the physical plane.

Now, try doubling the number 3 and 6 and reduce the result to a single-digit number as I showed you above.

You’ll see that there’s an infinite oscillation between 3 and 6.

Introduction to the 3-6-9 manifestation method - BEWELLNES.COM

If you apply the same principle to the number 9,

… you’ll see that no matter how many times you double or multiply it,

… you’ll always end up with nine.

3, 6 and 9 are considered to be ethereal numbers,

… they are corresponding to a non-physical plane, so a different plane.

Tesla considered the numbers 3, 6 and 9 to be divine numbers.

What I just showed you above has been approached and studied in Vortex-based mathematics.

Rodin coil model

Marko Rodin has some revolutionary applications of these principles like the Rodin Coil.

Also, he’s the creator of Vortex Math.

Introduction to the 3-6-9 manifestation method - BEWELLNES.COM

Weird coincidences?

Take a look at the picture above.

The circle was split into 9 equal parts – 360 degrees divided by 9.

That’s how we end up with the position of the 9 numbers.

Now take a look at the free-masons logo.

What about the all-seeing eye?

Could it be just a coincidence that it resembles the 3, 6, 9 triangle?

Numerology systems

And I could go on with Pythagorean or Chaldean systems…

… where each number from 1 to 9 has associated a certain group of letters.

Or the Abjad system where each letter of the Arabic alphabet has a numerical value.

Also, let’s not forget the Chinese number definitions where each number has its connotation based on its sound.

Did you know?

Pythagoras discovered that there’s a relationship between numbers and musical notes.

He found that the vibrations in stringed instruments can be mathematically explained.


  • Schimmel, Annemarie (1993). The Mystery of Numbers. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195089197.
  • Jastrow, Joseph (1933). “Science and Numerology”. The Scientific Monthly. 37 (5): 448.

The Golden Ratio

This principle was used masterfully in the Renaissance period.

Da Vinci was using this principle in his art like in the Mona Lisa or the Last Supper.

Some famous brands’ logos follow the Golden Ration principle (Toyota, Pepsi, Twitter or Apple to name a few).

The point I’m trying to make is that this is not new at all; is just old knowledge that…

… becomes more and more popular and accepted by more and more individuals.

Ok, so let’s get back to the 3-6-9 manifestation method.

Who invented the 3-6-9 manifestation method?

The 3, 6, 9 manifestation method was founded by Karin Yee and…

… was inspired by Nikola Tesla’s obsession with numbers, in particular 3, 6 and 9.

Karin Yee is a long-time Law Of Attraction practitioner,

… she’s also a level 3 reiki master and an astrologer.

How does it function?

This is in fact a routine you need to commit to.

Before you start, write down your desire as well as use powerful words to define just how you feel concerning that dream coming true.

The goal below is to incorporate your desire and powerful affirmations.

Make sure that the mix of words is something that will cause emotions whenever you check out or compose it.

The 3-6-9 manifestation method works hand in hand with another LOA rule,

… which is the 17-seconds rule.

Basically, what this means is that if you can hold a thought for 17 seconds or more…

… that respective thought will start to gain momentum and ultimately have more power.

So, the idea is that by doing the steps below…

… it will put you in that 17 seconds mental state.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Pick at the very least 3 affirmations you desire.
  2. Say them 6 times every day.
  3. Concentrate on your designs for 9 seconds.

It is necessary for you to do this for 21 days and also your desires will certainly come to life.

You can likewise try the alternate approach:

  1. Create your wish or focus on it three times.
  2. Compose your objective 6 times.
  3. Compose the activity you want to take place nine times.

Or, if you want to spread this new habit throughout the day, you can:

  1. In the Morning, on a notepad, write your intention 3 times.
  2. In the Afternoon, write down the same intention 6 times.
  3. And in the Evening, you’ll note down your intention, you guessed it, 9 times.

What to keep in mind

Some people see the 3-6-9 manifestation method with skepticism.

I believe this has something to do with the “hype” floating above especially on TikTok.

Nonetheless, do recognize that this approach has actually been around for a long time.

And also, it’s been confirmed efficient.

What you need to bear in mind when using this approach is to start tiny…

… think about something tiny you would love to occur.

Ensure that it’s only small in the beginning to ensure that you won’t obsess over it.

This way can assist the universe’s work without much disturbance on your end.

When you choose to pronounce your affirmations, make sure to infuse them with feelings.

The suggestion right here is to talk to your subconscious, which is your link to the universe.

So, do you want to try this technique for yourself?

Here’s what other co-creators have already experienced with this method.

Sending my best wishes.

Stay well, stay safe and strong, fly high!


If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Nikola Tesla