By now I think it’s safe to presume that almost anybody has heard about the Law of Attraction.

It gained a lot of popularity after the movie “The Secret” and since then it gains more and more traction amongst people eager to work on their well-being.

The concept of self-improvement is not new though, it started in the ‘30s with Dale Carnegie and his book “How to win friends and influence people” also Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and grow rich” and then continued with people like Earl Nightingale, Jim Rohn or Bob Proctor to name a few.

The Law of Attraction is a universal principle.

Your attention, energy, mindfulness, and feelings are focused often enough on something you desire, it will turn into your reality. In other words, you become what you think about.

Unfortunately, we’re not always aware of what we think and that’s why we attract things and experiences that we rather not have.

Envision you must fill certain balloons with air.

You hold the flattened rubber in your hands then you start by blowing air and thus conferring shape to the balloon.

You’ll end up with balloons of various shapes and sizes which you can also curve and gain even more shapes.

One thing that is common to all of this is the air inside each balloon giving it a unique shape.

And like that air you blew, our happiness in life streams from inside you into all the things we do.

That air originated from you, the birthplace of happiness lies inside YOU.

You control it as long as you set a clear destination; where do you want to be or what do you want to have.

You do this by setting and completing goals.

Let’s start manifesting happiness and design a better life for ourselves and our families.

Step 1: Set the end goal

Start by picturing in your head what your goal will look like when finished – start with the end. If you don’t know how to begin just start writing on a piece of paper all the thoughts that strike a chord. Imagine this is similar to cleaning a clogged pipe, get all the rust and debris out so that afterward you will form a clear picture of what is it that you want. Pick a goal, that you’ll love putting in the work for. Don’t do it for a person and most definitely do not do it for the world. It’s your objective, own it!

Step 2: The emotion, the feeling | Visualize the feeling

See yourself as if you’ve accomplished your goal. How would you feel?

Begin to feel those emotions and to feel how it’s like to already have that goal achieved.

You need to understand that simply speaking out loud your affirmations and creating a vision board is not enough.

Even if you’re saying “Money comes to me easily and effortlessly”, you have to feel it first in order for it to make a difference.

Start by nurturing the emotion of the experience as if already happened.

See yourself doing the things you will be doing when you’ve reached your goal.

Step 3: Put in the Work

One of the most common mistakes people make, especially after watching “The Secret”, is to wait and dream for the things they desire to manifest in their lives.

With the risk of becoming nicer, let me break it to you: no one will do the work for you!

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

Jim Rohn

Step 4: Attitude and Mindset

Let’s be honest, during your journey you’ll face some hurdles.

Accept the situation and embrace it.

Adopt a calm mindset because how you respond to those problems matters more.

I like to believe that each obstacle you face was put there for a reason and overcoming it will only make you stronger, more experienced, wiser.

Step 5: Mistakes are a powerful teacher

The key ingredient is to allow yourself to make mistakes.

You learn by doing it over and over again until you’re happy with the result.

Try not to set the bar too high for your objectives – small incremental steps toward your vision. Don’t let the fear of making a mistake control your flow.

Think of it like this: what’s worse? Not deciding because you’re afraid of making a mistake OR live with the regret and disappointment because you didn’t take action?

Since we are open-minded people I think that you should take into consideration that sometimes things don’t work out because the Universe has a greater plan.

Step 6: Stepping out of the comfort bubble

Capitalizing on the previous step, know this: Fear is what stops you.

Soon as you realize that, you will be able to grab it by the horns, sort of speak, and control it.

Dig down deep and daringly take those small steps toward your objective.

You step out of that comfort zone by doing these steps headed for the task you’re so afraid of doing. Trust the process, have faith in it!

Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see.

You choose!

Bob Proctor

Step 7: Attachments

Don’t fall into the trap of assuming that you will be happy only when your objective is complete.

If you get attached to a goal outcome, you will focus on the lack of it wasting good amounts of energy worrying.

Happiness comes from the small steps you accomplish every day towards an objective because you know that with each step you make you’re getting closer to your desire.

Learn to let go, focus on the task at hand, be free.

We have the power within ourselves to manifest every desire. Love the process, have faith in you.

I would like to close this post with a quote from Jim Rohn,

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!