How you begin your day could influence your entire day.

For some, a bad day could begin when they bump their toes in the bathroom door frame in the morning.

Don’t let a small incident like that affect how you’re going to feel during the day.

Take control and commit to your goals.

I find that many people consider that a good morning routine starts right before going to bed.

And if I think of it for a second it is a highly effective tactic.

I know, I know. We’re talking about morning routines, not bedtime rituals.

The reason behind it is that before you go to bed you prepare yourself for what you’re going to do first thing in the morning.

Think of it as a warming up before a race.

That way you’ll know exactly what to do and you’ll flow effortlessly through each chosen routine.

Below are some morning routines that you can use

Try to start with the most important ritual first thing when you wake up.


Because when waking up we transition from Alpha to Beta state and that is the most powerful moment to program our day.

This is why I started the list below with meditation.

Morning meditation ritual

Meditation works best (in my case) if you have a dedicated place for it, like a small room or a small area in an existing room.

In that spot try to use and keep around you, gems and stones beneficial for you.

Other things that you can use are Himalayan salt lamp(s), a customized orgone, and/or a candle to help you focus on one spot.

By having a dedicated area for meditation you’ll be making sure that the respective place is primed with high vibrational energy.

Now you know why I always say to go to that “favorite spot” for meditation.

Take 5 to 15 minutes to observe your thoughts.

This will help a great deal in calming that chatter in your brain during the day.

Try to visualize what you want to do as it already has been done.

Cold shower routine

Take a cold shower (in the morning)!

My dad used to tell me this since I was a teenager.

Little did I know how a simple cold shower can boost your entire body, your nervous system, and your blood circulation.

When I first saw Tony Robbins, literally jumping in a small pool of cold water I said to myself “Hey, my dad was right all along”.

I know how hard it can be to get into that ice-cold water.

That’s why when you first start or when you don’t feel like doing it, you can gradually transition from warm to cold water.

And when you build enough confidence you will enter directly into a cold shower.

Also, try to stay calm while getting into that cold water.

Don’t try to resist it, as much as you can.

Control that shriveling by taking quick breaths and then exhale in a quick burst.

So, why cold showers?

You take cold showers to prove to yourself that you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone.

You’re proving that you are willing to do what most people are afraid to do or simply don’t want to do.

This routine, if done consistently, will increase your willpower also your self-esteem.

Morning workout

There is a reason why I chose to put the working out after the cold shower.

If you’re going to take a cold shower, please don’t do it after you’ve got yourself warmed up during a good body exercise.

The temperature shock will be much bigger this way, and I don’t recommend it unless you’re a superhuman.

Working out early in the morning can only positively impact your body and mind.

There’s a reason why you see this habit among many successful people.

You don’t need to haul weights for this.

A simple 30+ minute run, preferably outside, is enough to get that blood flowing and put you in the right state of mind.

Walking barefooted on green grass

Learning about chakras made me appreciate more walking barefooted on the grass.

We spend so much time in this concrete jungle that it tends to unbalance and unground our energetic field.

Doing this regularly helps your body recharge its energy field and aids you to feel more grounded.

Early morning journal routine

Try writing down 5 ideas or objectives for the unfolding day.

From these five keep the most important three.

If you haven’t tried writing down goals for the day or if you’re not too eager on the concept, try challenging yourself to do it.

One of the most efficient methods to deal with anxiety and stress is to experiment with something new.

If you choose this technique, commit to it for at least seven days, and observe how you feel about yourself.

Likewise, make use of journaling as a means to release feelings and ideas that are no longer serving you.

Do not limit yourself to a notebook. You could use a whiteboard or sticky notes.

Depending on how much time you can make available in the mornings try to experiment with some of these if not all of them.

In my opinion, the morning meditation combined with the cold shower and the goal setting is the mother of all morning routines.

Dare to challenge yourself to be a better version of yourself.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!