Sorry guys. If you came here to get insanely rich overnight, this is not the place.

But if you’re looking for ways to improve and increase the power of attracting money, you’re in the right spot.

The truth is when we have a money problem, we get too enthralled in the issue.

This contributes to negative thinking.

We hardly identify ourselves sinking in negative thoughts as we place all our concentration and energy into what is missing.

An efficient method to deal with a money problem is to leave that negative attitude and embrace a more positive frame of mind to craft solutions for your problems.

Enforce a mindset where you cannot afford to have the luxury to complain.

That my friends it’s not easy; I’m not going to lie.

Before we venture ahead, I must talk about how limiting beliefs can hold you down and prevent your greatest version to emerge.

Destroy any limiting belief about money and understand money

If you’re like me and you struggle with having to imagine money in your hands out of thin air, I feel you!

Unless you change how you look at money, you’ll have a really hard time with this meditation practice.

I was in a constant fight with thoughts like “how the frack am I gonna manifest dollar bills when I have almost nothing in my bank account?” or the classic “this manifestation… stuff is not for me”.

I want to share what helped me get past this limitation.

I started to take a closer look at what money is and what it used to be.

So, what is money?

Back in the day, we were using the gold standard.

This means that a country’s currency or paper money had a value directly linked to gold. Great times, I might add.

However, money stopped being backed by gold, first in 1931 by UK and then in 1933 by US and abandoned completely in 1973. [source]

What does that mean? To put it shortly, money is now printed with no real value to back it up.

So you see, now it’s very easy to infuse the market with money.

What I’m trying to say is that there is enough out there, even for you to be a millionaire!

Don’t limit yourself to beliefs such as “money doesn’t bring happiness” or “there’s too much competition”.

If there’s too much competition, how can a person become a millionaire, today, in a crazy “no one heard of” niche?

For crying out loud, if there are people to buy vagina-flavored candles, I bet you too can find something cool to market to an audience.

As for the all-time poor’s mantra “money doesn’t bring happiness”… with my hand on my heart I can tell you…

Money might not bring happiness, but it will surely bring freedom to find that happiness!

Out of ten truly successful people, ten will answer with no hesitation “freedom” when you ask them what money means for them.

I don’t think that’s just a coincidence.

Watch interviews with successful people

Another thing or habit that helped me is that I started watching lots of interviews with successful people from various podcasters.

I mainly use YouTube for this because I analyze how those people behave, their reactions, their enthusiasm.

So, change the way you think, and you will change your life.

I’m not saying this. People worth millions or billions of dollars are all saying this.

They must know something, right?

Hoping that I helped you a little to destroy some limiting beliefs about money, let’s dive deep into a money meditation practice.

Preparation before starting the money meditation

Think of why you want that sum of money.

Is it because you’d love to buy a new phone, a watch, a new car, or maybe a house?

So, you would love to have that big fat check in your hands, but unfortunately, your bank account is still in 2 or 3 digits.

Many of us would love to have more money because we’re so afraid of not having enough money.

What is really going on is that we focus on the lack of money.

If you think of not having enough money, you’ll attract “not having enough money”.

What you’re thinking is what you’re attracting and later is what you’ll manifest.

So, “why more money” needs to be about what you’re capable to do with that money.

Visualize what will you do with it and more importantly how good will you feel when you’ll have that money.

See it, feel it, ask for it and then let go.

It is important to let go because that way you’ll not start focusing on the “not having enough money” again.

Shake all your negative emotions about money; put those behind you. Detach!

Now that you’re primed with positive beliefs about money let’s prepare for the meditation.

Try to clear your mind of any other distracting thoughts and then begin the meditation.

Here are some tips and tricks on how to start your meditation to attract money

  • Find a place to meditate. You know what I’m talking about, that favorite quiet spot where you practice meditation.
  • Ensure that during the meditation there will be no distractions. Airplane mode on, headphones on!
  • The best time for money attraction meditation is right before sleep.
  • Close your eyes and try to relax.
  • If closing your eyes doesn’t work, try looking at a burning candle. Less eye movement, better concentration.
  • Take deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. Embrace that tingling feeling throughout your body.
  • When you feel relaxed, your mind calmer it’s time to visualize and program your subconscious.
  • Visualize the amount of money that you need. See it in your hands. Be specific, like $12,363.
  • Focus on the feeling that brings to you. You feel joy, you feel achievement, you feel freedom.

Take as long as you need.

If done correctly you’ll feel flooded in a rush of calmness and joyfulness.

That’s the cue for you to stop and let go.

Don’t forget to put your hands together with your thumbs facing your heart and SMILE!

During meditation, you could also include money affirmations.

I’ve listed some examples below to give you an idea.

Affirmations for wealth and prosperity

Don’t limit yourself to just these. Search, combine, design, make them yours!

  • My actions create constant wealth and abundance.
  • Abundance is rightfully mine.
  • I have a wealth mindset. I am wealth!
  • Money comes to me effortlessly and easily.
  • I design my own wealth.
  • Every day more money comes into my life.
  • The more I give, the more I receive. The more I receive, the more I give.
  • Wealth within me, wealth around me. Abundance within me, abundance around me.

When practicing meditation to attract money be sure to always visualize your life exactly how you want it to be.

Dream big! Abundance is rightfully yours!

You too can do it; I believe in you!

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!

I appreciate you for reading this far,
