Just before we start discussing the crystals and stones for Crown chakra healing let’s take a quick look at what is Crown chakra.

The Crown chakra or by its traditional name Sahasrara is the seventh chakra or the seventh energy core.

Being the highest among all the seven both by its position and purpose, Sahasrara is positioned on the crown of your head.

In Sanskrit, Sahasrara means the top of the head or the seat of the soul.

Opening the Crown chakra is the last step of enlightenment.

If you want to know more about the Crown chakra, head over here:

How to use crystals and stones for crown chakra healing

The best method is by placing the respective crystal or stone over your energy points, such as chakras.

But, having most stones aesthetically pleasing it’s very easy to wear them as jewelry.

Bracelets (beads, chips) or pendants being the most popular because these locations place them over your vital pulse points.

You could choose the more discreet approach by wearing them as rings or earrings.

Another way to use crystals and stones is to place them in key locations inside your living environment.

For example, on your desk or near you while doing meditation. Also, you could place them in the main four corners of your room.

Crystal water bottle

Another method to use these stones and gems is the crystal water bottle. 

There are many options to choose from on the market, but if you’re a DIY fan you can make one yourself.

Have your preferred crystal placed inside a glass bottle and then fill that bottle with fresh water. Ideally, you should allow some time to pass before consuming it.

That way you allow the crystal to revitalize and restructure (energetically) your drink(s).

Nowadays, it’s easier and cheaper to artificially produce crystals, stones and gems. Not saying that man-made crystals are not efficient, but if you do that choose some that have a little life prior to their shelf life.

That’s why I insist on always choosing to use natural crystals and stones since most of them are widespread and relatively cheap.

By doing so, you can be sure that those crystals and stones are very well charged.

Take Amber for example which is believed to be millions of years old. Imagine what kind of powerful energies this stone can hold.

Choose the properties, not the package.

So, to recap, here is how you can use these crystals and stones for crown chakra healing:

  • Worn as jewelry
  • Placed on vital points on your body – chakra stones
  • Used in key locations inside your living environment
  • Inside a crystal water bottle

Here are some basic usage tips when using crystals and stones for crown chakra healing:

  • Avoid combining soft and hard stones during wearing. For example, amber is very soft, while hematite is very hard.
  • Do not spray or use any beauty products on them.
  • Do not wear them during sunbathing. Heat can alter their appearance and properties.
  • To be washed regularly with room temperature water and mild soap. Do not use detergents or other cleaning products.
  • Clean and dry them with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid exposing them to extreme temperature variations, especially from very cold to very hot.
  • Take them off when going for a bath in swimming pools and/or ocean/sea. Swimming pool water has a lot of chlorine and ocean/seawater is salty, both can alter your crystals.
  • It goes without saying but try not to wear them during workouts. Sweat can cause corrosion.

Not all stones can be washed!

Please make sure that you can expose them to water before cleaning with water.

For example, Angelite turns to gypsum when it comes in contact with water.

Cool! Now that you have a piece of basic knowledge on how to use, wear and care, let’s dive into crystals and stones for crown chakra healing.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz - crystals and stones for crown chakra healing

Quartz is a hard, crystalline mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms.

As the name suggests, this quartz has no color and is translucent.

Clear Quartz is a high vibrational crystal, incredibly calming and cleansing.

While Clear Quartz can be used for all chakras due to its amplifying properties, it has an intimate connection with the Crown chakra.

This crystal’s bright light passes through both the aware and unaware mind, assisting spiritual growth and elevating awareness.

It stimulates psychic visions, spiritual development, clarity, harmony, and higher consciousness.

You can find below the Clear Quartz metaphysical properties:

  • Provides a deeper connection with the divine
  • Amplifies the intention’s energy
  • Clears negative energy
  • Cleans, charges, and amplifies other stones’ energy
  • Assists the higher chakras emanate white light

Make sure to clean it regularly since Clear Quartz can store all the information that interacts with it, including negative energies.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Can be used by all


Amethyst - crystals and stones for crown chakra healing

Amethyst is a purple type of quartz and its color is due to irradiation, iron impurities, and in some cases other transition metals.

Called by many the Stone of Spirituality, Amethyst is one of the most spiritual healing crystals.

It creates a connection between the Crown and Third Eye chakras and thus divine energy can flow freely through the third eye to lower chakras.

That’s why Amethyst is also used for balancing the Third Eye chakra and because it also stimulates inner strength and peace.

The Amethyst calms a turbulent mind and awakens the soul by reminding you that you’re one with the divine.

It is the perfect crystal to use should you decide to venture down the path of spirituality.

Beware of fake!

Even though Amethyst can be found abundantly all over the world and also it can be lab-grown, there are still some fake ones such as purple-colored glass.

You can find below the Amethyst’s metaphysical properties:

  • Strengthens the connection with your higher self and spirit guides
  • Unlocks the connection with the divine
  • Encourages inner strength
  • Facilitates a higher state of awareness

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Aries, Aquarius, Pisces


Charoite  - crystals and stones for crown chakra healing

Charoite is a rare silicate mineral, translucent lavender to purple with a pearly luster.

It was discovered in the Sakha Republic, Siberia, Russia along the Chara river.

Charoite is a stone of insight; it will teach you numerous lessons about yourself, your relationships, life, and love.

It stimulates lucid dreaming, spiritual awareness and growth, psychic abilities, and transformation.

This stone is best known for its capacity to link the Crown chakra with the Heart chakra, thus assisting you to openly express and receive love.

You can find below the Charoite metaphysical properties:

  • Aids to overcome fear
  • Cleanses the Aura
  • Grounds the spiritual body
  • Enhances the connection to higher-self and supreme beings
  • Helps connect the mind with the heart

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Scorpio, Sagittarius


Sugilite, or Royal Lavulite, or Purple Turquoise is a rare cyclosilicate mineral that has a pink to purple color mainly due to traces of manganese.

This stone is associated with spiritual growth thus making it a perfect candidate for Crown chakra balancing.

It emanates a very calming vibration that is filled with an essence of spiritual love.

Sugilite’s emotional healing energy is related to powerful spiritual love, growth, and wisdom.

The emotional healing properties of this stone are all about self-confidence and self-empowerment.

If you are highly sensitive and you’re like a sponge to the negativity around you, Sugilite is the best choice to keep you impenetrable to the negativity and disharmony of others.

You can find below the Sugilite metaphysical properties:

  • Uplifts and fills you with spiritual and healing energy
  • Protects the soul
  • Increases protection when combined with the Amethyst
  • Shields against negative entities and eliminates negative attachments
  • Provides higher spiritual awareness
  • Encourages universal love
  • Balances the mind, body, and soul energies

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Aquarius


Howlite is a white borate mineral with grey veins found in evaporite deposits.

The name comes from Henry How a Canadian chemist, geologist and mineralogist named who discovered it in Windsor, Nova Scotia.

This stone looks very similar to Turquoise, and for that reason Howlite is also known as White Turquoise.

Due to the same reason it’s often dyed green to ‘resemble’ Turquoise.

It is a gorgeous white stone that constitutes the spiritual qualities of kindness, calmness, and open-mindedness.

Howlite will provide you the strength to let go of detrimental attachments and will aid you to refine your feelings to ensure that they can provide you tranquility, joy and satisfaction.

 You can find below the Howlite metaphysical properties:

  • Calms and relieves stress
  • Absorbs your own anger
  • Boosts perceptions
  • Brings peace and tranquility
  • Helps you focus
  • Eliminates selfishness
  • Shields you against self-doubt

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Gemini


Apophyllite is a class of minerals that refers to a specific group of phyllosilicates. It’s a white translucent crystal with a prismatic surface.

Be careful with it because Apophyllite is a brittle crystal that peels off when it’s exposed to heat.

This crystal stands for a union of masculine and feminine energies.

Because of this, if you want to escape the boundaries of any gender repression, Apophyllite could be your guide.

Apophyllite symbolizes the power of selfless helpers and also can be utilized to enhance acts of compassion.

It additionally embodies the power of the Soul Star, aka the eight chakras which is where your soul rests.

Due to this reason Apophyllite is extremely helpful during any type of meditation practice, but particularly if you desire to reconnect with a soul part such as throughout a spirit retrieval event or reconnection with your inner child.

You can find below the Apophyllite metaphysical properties:

  • Enhances your intuition
  • Boosts your senses
  • Makes your visions clearer
  • Aids you connect with your spirit guides and guardian angels
  • Allows you to receive insights and visions
  • Connects your physical body with the spiritual body

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Gemini

Snow Quartz

Snow Quartz, or White Quartz is the most common type of crystalline quartz.

The white coloration is due to fluid inclusions, which gives it a milky appearance. This makes it of little value to jewelry applications.

This is a crystal that will trigger your Crown chakra, and it will assist you in connecting with your higher self and your spirit guide.

White Quartz is an effective harmonizing crystal that will be of excellent use when you seem like you’re being ravaged by the necessities of life.

Its healing energy will aid discard your worries and additionally will reveal how you can let go of limiting beliefs.

You can find below the Snow Quartz metaphysical properties:

  • Helps you connect with your higher self
  • Neutralizes overwhelming thoughts and emotions
  • Provides alertness during tense situations
  • Offers mental clarity during meditation
  • Aids in conquering your martyrdom

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Capricorn

Rainbow Moonstone

Crystals and stones for crown chakra healing

Rainbow Moonstone, or White Labradorite is a variety of Labradorite that exhibits an iridescent blue color.

It radiates great vitality, life force and overwhelming happiness and its properties are different from those of Moonstone.

Rainbow Moonstone represents the idea of the maternal power of the universe, the divine feminine.

This is the stone of transformation and it prepares the spirit and the body for the ascension.

Moonstone is a great ally when it comes to emotional health due to its perfect mix of spirituality, nurturing, and protection.

You can find below the Rainbow Moonstone metaphysical properties:

  • Clears the mind of tension and obscure sensations
  • Boosts intuition
  • Balances emotions
  • Aids maintain a clear sense of grounding and centering
  • Stimulates psychic gifts
  • Repels psychic attacks and negative energies from the Aura
  • Cuts the ties with other people’s needs and emotions
  • Helps you grow your spiritual vision

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Gemini

What are zodiac birthstones?

Zodiac birthstones, aka Astral birthstones, are based on astrological signs.

Unlike modern birthstones which are related to your calendar birth month, zodiac birthstones are related to your astrological sign.

What you saw above, under each crystal is the attribution of the respective gem with the zodiac sign(s).

Thank you for reading this far and I hope you’ve discovered some crystals and stones for crown chakra healing.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!
