The crown chakra is the last among the seven energy vortices and it’s part of the spiritual body.

It is the energetic doorway through which we can receive The Light.

That’s why it is said that opening the crown chakra is the last step of enlightenment.

It represents pure consciousness and transcendence.

What is the Crown Chakra?

The crown chakra or by its traditional name Sahasrara is the seventh chakra or the seventh energy core.

Being the highest among all the seven both by its position and purpose, Sahasrara is positioned on the crown of your head.

In Sanskrit, Sahasrara means the top of the head or the seat of the soul. [source]

Its associated color is violet and as you progress through the path of awareness it will change color from deep violet to bright white light.

Commonly, the crown chakra is pictured as an open lotus flower with one thousand petals.

When the crown chakra is open its appearance could look like a halo.

This is one of the reasons why so many spiritual paintings that you see mostly in churches have this halo depicted above or around the heads of enlightened and spiritually transcended beings such as saints and angels.

To name a few, Sahasrara is the center of consciousness, highest potential, intuitive knowing, trust, devotion, inspiration, the absence of ego, integration of the whole, unity, and oneness.

How do I know if my Crown chakra is open?

Having a balanced crown chakra, you’ll have deep compassion for others and a profound connection with the Divine.

You’re mindful of your Divine purpose, of your reason here in the present time, in the present body.

You feel genuine love for life and you live your life with excellent clarity and significance.

Signs of an imbalanced Crown chakra

There are two types of crown chakra blockages, deficient and excessive.

While having a deficiency of energy in crown chakra the following symptoms could occur:

  • Lack of inspiration
  • Chronic fatigue, you tend to sleep more
  • Apathy
  • Loneliness
  • Closed mind
  • Boredom and frustration
  • Rigidity in what other people believe

An excessive crown chakra could manifest the following symptoms:

  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Mental confusion, unable to think clearly
  • Addiction to rituals without fully understanding them. Spiritual addiction
  • Greed and materialism

Other signs of an imbalanced crown chakra could be:

  • Excessive ego
  • Feeling disconnected spiritually
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Delusion and schizophrenia
  • Lack of purpose

Here are 11 ways you can heal and open your Crown chakra

From the techniques I listed below, the more you integrate, the more easily you’ll be able to achieve crown chakra balancing.

Start with whatever amount feels comfortable to step out of the comfort bubble.


Be like a sponge when it comes to information not related only to chakras, but broader such as self-growth.

In your area of interest when you identify a word or a notion that you don’t quite understand, go deeper and search for more information.

Try to make a habit out of it. Don’t be afraid to explore.

Books, e-books, audiobooks, podcasts. Always be on the lookout to learn something new.

There’s a lot of good information out there and the beauty is that in most cases is free. YouTube for example.

Be humble and help others

Be aware of your ego!

Self-awareness is key in identifying the moment when your ego comes first instead of being oriented towards unity and understanding.

Try giving a helping hand to others because that is an excellent way to feel and express compassion and be as One with humanity.

Solitude or Silence. Unplug from the matrix

When and if possible, it’s a good practice to retreat to a remote place and spend time with yourself.

The idea is to get away from anything that might distract you such as city life, phone, ‘smart’ devices, social and news media, and internet.

Silence works best for activating your crown chakra because there is nothing to grab your attention from the spiritual practice.

Don’t get discouraged if you can’t live like a monk though.

All you need is 5 – 15 minutes of silence each day. It can be any place as long as you practice that separation from all distractions.


Like I did in my previous articles, I will always recommend using affirmations that work for you.

That means you identify with the value in it (affirmation) and, it could also be created by you.

I know that if this is something new you will tend to forget to do it. I know I did.

So, what I did is I wrote down on sticky notes 2 or 3 affirmations I would like to verbalize and then put them on the bathroom mirror and by my bed.

By positioning these sticky notes in places I’m 100% sure that I’m going to see, helped me remember.

Ok, like I got you used to it, I will give some examples of affirmations that could be used for healing the crown chakra.

You could use affirmations such as:

“I am free of limiting beliefs”, “Every day I am open to divine guidance”, “I am ONE with the world around me”, “I trust my intuition”, “I am opening the doorway to Divine light”, “I release all limited thoughts and lift myself up to higher levels of awareness”, “My connection to everyone everywhere fulfills me”

We also need to be aware that one might repeat every day that he or she is enlightened, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she is.

What I want to say is that you need to take action toward balancing your chakras not just saying out loud some words.

It’s like that movie “The Secret” when lots of people complained that it was a scam because they thought that by visualizing what they wanted, that thing would materialize in their reality…

I was like, yeah so what else did you guys do besides visualizing? Did you actually take any action toward that goal or dream?

The same thing applies here. Include affirmations to motivate you, to set in place that mindset, and to help you be self-aware of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, people that you meet, foods that you eat every day, just to name a few.

Don’t get me wrong, visualization plays an important role in manifesting what you would desire if done correctly.

Be very specific with what you want, picture it in your mind’s eye, let it go, then take action and commit.

Sound healing

The crown chakra doesn’t have any dedicated mantra as it is outside the body on the crown of your head.

That’s also the reason why there is no food to directly help healing it.

Being in a contemplative silence helps to balance the crown chakra.

As a matter of fact, the third eye chakra plays an important role in helping to balance your crown chakra because of its ability to see past the three-dimensional plane, be aware and observe what’s happening around you.

What I’m trying to say is that you cannot have an open crown chakra without having a well balanced third eye chakra first.

That’s why, during crown chakra meditation, many will recommend chanting OM (AUM) which is basically third eye’s chakra mantra.

I could recommend listening to binaural beats during your meditation practice, but the more I dive deep into all this beautiful knowledge the more I tend to appreciate the silence.

I recommend a beautiful pack of binaural beats specifically crafted for chakra balancing. You can download it from here.

For the ultimate experience with binaural beats, headphones are recommended.

If you’re combining chakra meditation, meaning that you focus also on other chakras besides the crown chakra, you could take advantage of the binaural beats songs.

It is totally up to how you feel before starting the meditation.

If you’re anxious, stressed out, or if you’re feeling down, you might want to relax and cheer up a bit before engaging the meditation practice and that’s where you could use binaural beats.


I like to think of the crown chakra as the mastery level of enlightenment.

If you want to achieve it, you must first master the first 6 chakras, or at least the last three – throat, third eye, and then crown chakra.

Meditation is key if you want to balance your chakras and if you want to achieve greatness basically.

There are many meditation types ranging from breathing techniques to chanting mantras.

If you’re new to meditation it might take some trial and error before you feel comfortable meditating.

Try and find one that after a week you would still want to do it.

Here’s a common meditation technique that implies visualizing your crown chakra.

Crown chakra visualization during meditation

A classic now, because this technique can be used for all seven chakras.

Start by visualizing your crown chakra as a pulsating sphere of violet light that rotates around its center.

Try synchronizing the pulsating glow with your breath.

Then visualize how the orb is sweeping out all the bad energy and blockages and bringing in divine light.

Use essential oils

Like you use music to relax and cheer yourself up, the same way you could take advantage of essential oils.

Try using them with an aromatherapy diffuser or place them on pulse points or simply rub them in your palms.

Try using essential oils that calm and inspire you, which creates a relaxing environment.

A great idea is to include essential oils of plants beneficial for your third eye chakra for example rosemary essential oil.

Frankincense and sandalwood are also good choices for setting that relaxing environment.

And my all-time favorite Lavender essential oil. Use it in a diffuser or you could rub it in your palms.

Harness the power of crystals

Try using white or violet crystals.

You could use them at your favorite meditation spot, or you could wear them as jewelry.

For balancing your crown chakra, you could use crystals such as selenite, clear quartz, amethyst, moonstone, sugilite, also diamond.

The latter is commonly out of discussion due to its exquisite nature and, of course, price.

If you want to find out more about Crown chakra crystals and stones, head over here:

Herbs and plants

Like I said above, there is no specific food dedicated to healing and opening the crown chakra.

Here’s a good example and also a piece of information hidden in plain sight (for the untrained eye).

Why do you think Jesus spent 40 days without food? Go outside the religious dogma.

Nowadays we call it fasting or to be more specific, water fasting; because you can stay without food for large periods of time, but you cannot eliminate water.

I must give this warning.

Be careful if you want to do this. ALWAYS consult your doctor BEFORE starting to water fast.

There are many individuals that say that going without food is when the inspiration came. I know painters who do this on a regular basis.

Although the crown chakra does not have any foods for healing it, if you’re stressed, I would still recommend a soothing tea to help you relax a bit and prep you for your meditation.

For that, I can recommend the 100% organic Crown chakra tea mixed with passion from the guys at Buddha Teas.

Of course, you could use incensed plants or their essential oils, again, as help to get you relaxed.

You can find out more here about herbs, food, and spices beneficial for balancing your chakras.

Color up your environment

Wear violet if you want to stimulate the crown chakra.

I don’t usually limit myself to clothes and go beyond by using art to surround the environment I usually spend most of the time in.

Paintings or custom pictures/art printed in multi-piece (3 or 5 pieces usually; no numerological reason why those numbers).

And one more thing, crystals can be considered as well. That way you’d also benefit from its energetic properties.

If you want to start healing and opening your chakras it is a good idea to start from the ground up.

I know that this article addresses the crown chakra, but my recommendation is to start from the bottom, from the root chakra, and work your way up.

Think of it as a book, you don’t begin with the end (although I do that from time to time. Guilty!).

I think the best example here would be a video game. You don’t start playing from level 100, you start from level one.

The same thing applies in this case, start healing from the root chakra and progress through until you reach the Crown chakra.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!

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