The second chakra or the Sacral chakra is the center of your creativity, passion, and sensuality.

Due to its physical connection with the sacral area, pelvis and reproductive organs, the sacral chakra…

… is the center of pleasure, whether sensual or via your everyday life experiences.

The Sanskrit name for the second chakra is Svadhishthana….

… which translates into Sva = self and Adhishthana = seat, residence.

To put it more beautifully, but keeping it as accurate, Svadhishthana can also be translated as “dwelling place of the Self”.

Let’s take a closer look at…

What is the Sacral Chakra?

As you already know there are 7 chakras or energy vortices/cores.

To have e better understanding, imagine seven energetic cores residing along your spinal column…

… starting from the bottom, the base of your spine, the root chakra…

… all the way up to the crown chakra, located on the top of your head.

The Svadhishthana is the second core/chakra within our primary energetic field.

It is located approximately 2 inches below the belly button.

To be more specific, Svadhishthana lies below the navel close to the abdominal area in between the ovaries (women) and near the prostate gland (men).

It represents the center of passion and the center of power.

Physically, it governs the sexual organs, spline, kidneys, womb, lower vertebra, pelvis, hips, bladder, appendix, large intestine, and adrenal glands.

Psychologically, the sacral chakra governs creativity, sensuality, emotions, intimacy, and self-expression.

The sacral chakra’s element is water.

Its color is orange, which means warmth and emotion.

How do I know if my Sacral chakra is open?

A strong indication of an open sacral chakra is feeling creative and being able to talk openly about your emotions.

You’re passionate, you’re feeling joyful all the time.

You are sensual, you have a powerful sense of sexuality and you see it as your most potent creative energy.

Signs of an imbalanced Sacral chakra

There are many signs to look out for.

People with an out of balance second chakra experience self-doubt, depression, emotional imbalance.

Here are the most common physical symptoms:

  • chronic back pain
  • hip issues
  • sexual problems such as impotence
  • genital issues like infertility, gynecological cysts, abnormal menstruation
  • bladder or urinary infections
  • large intestine complications

Having a blocked sacral chakra can also impact you emotionally and psychologically.

Some of these issues can manifest as:

  • depression
  • insecurity
  • fear of pleasure or happiness
  • very low levels of self-esteem
  • low libido – sexually frigid or…
  • high libido – sexually impulsive
  • creativity is low to non-existent, like it’s somehow blocked
  • excessive overthinking
  • addiction to things that bring you pleasure such as alcohol, food, sex, gambling, compulsive shopping…
  • emotional numbness… You can feel any type of emotion and you find it hard to empathize

Causes for Sacral chakra blockage


I know, right? It seems that every major blockage has something to do with our childhood.

Stress, trauma, sexual abuse, contradictory beliefs such as religious indoctrination are…

… some powerful experiences that many of us carry like old luggage.

Toxic relationships in which we might get caught is another powerful blocker for the sacral chakra.

So, to heal the sacral chakra you must clear and cleanse that energetic core and bring it back to a state of balance.

There are many ways to do that, starting from meditation to wearing specific crystals, eating certain foods, doing certain yoga postures.

Let’s take a closer look.

Here are 9 common ways to heal and balance your Sacral chakra

Water connection

Drink water or swim in natural bodies of water.

The sacral chakra element is water, thus keeping your body hydrated on both the inside and outside it’s a good idea.

You do this by increasing your daily water intake, drink lots of it, drink like you’re paid to do it.

You could cheat a little and add a slice of lime or orange and top it up with a mint leaf.

On the outside, you can take baths with orange essential oil or…

You could go for a swim in a natural pool of water.


A simple technique and very commonly used is to visualize a glowing orange orb or sphere slowly rotating around its center.

Slowly synchronize your breath with it and then see it erase all the identified sacral chakra blockages.

When I say color orange think of fire, flame.

When you light up a candle it slowly builds up from an orange color to a bright yellow.

It’s no coincidence that you start from red (root chakra), then you transition to bright yellow (solar plexus chakra)…

… through orange color (sacral chakra).

These three chakras; root (1st), sacral (2nd) and solar plexus (3rd) correspond to your physical body…

… and these are the foundation of your primary energetic field.

That’s why it is a good idea to always start your chakras healing from the root up.

Also, I want to recommend that before starting the meditation, you prime yourself with supportive positive affirmations and…

… make sure to always calm your mind prior to (any) meditation.

Affirmations crafted for sacral chakra healing

Since we’re hashtagging, I would like to start this subject with…


Research and craft the affirmations that you resonate with.

Even though it does not matter, because eventually you will override the limiting beliefs by saying the affirmations out loud…

… it will be much easier if you’d find or make some that you tend to agree more with.

Here are some examples to help you get started:

  • A pleasurable life is what I am living
  • Every day I welcome and embrace my sexuality
  • I allow my creative self to express in healthy and joyful ways
  • I feel safe enjoying sex
  • Embracing pleasure and abundance is what I am doing every day
  • I am creative, radiant and passionate
  • The sweetness of life flows through me and I radiate its joy

Yoga postures dedicated to opening the sacral chakra

When it comes to yoga poses, think of asanas that activate your abdominal area.

Try standing, seated, twisting, and forward bends asanas.

Here some examples of yoga pose that help rejuvenate your sacral chakra:

  • Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana)
  • Triangle pose (Trikonasana). This one requires a little more balance and some help if you’re just starting with yoga. Be careful!
  • Dancer pose
  • Chair (Utkatasana)
  • Goddess pose (Utkata Konasana)
  • Pigeon pose (Kapotasana)
  • Belly twist (Jathara Parivartanasana)

Essential oils to help balance the chakras

You can use essential oils in various ways such as aromatherapy, rubbing it on the skin in specific body points or…

… you could use them while taking a bath.

Acting as a great binder for meditation practice, aromatherapy can easily be integrated into your meditation routine.

Aromatherapy can be done with a diffuser, but if you don’t have one you can try one of these simpler and cheaper methods.

Put a few drops of essential oil in your hands and rub it firmly.

Then you can start meditating in your special spot, thus…

… you’ll benefit from nice aromatherapy because facing the palms up you’ll generate natural convection…

… and the warm air will slowly and beautifully carry the essential oil just like a diffuser.

Another method is to place a small pot with water on top of a flame (usually a candle).

Put a few drops of essential oil in the pot and there you have it.

You can also use essential oils for massaging the lumbar and sacral area of your back, thus…

… spicy cardamom essential oil can help activate an underactive sacral chakra and…

… Neroli or Ylang ylang can calm an overactive Svadhishthana.

Here are some essential oils that you can use:

  • Sandalwood
  • Jasmine
  • Ylang ylang
  • Neroli
  • Spicy cardamom
  • Sweet orange
  • Fennel
  • Bergamot

Gems and stones for the Sacral chakra

Second chakra stones and gems can be used in many ways.

The easiest, also the fanciest way is to wear them as jewelry such as bracelets, necklaces, rings.

Another way is to carry one or more stones with you in your pocket.

Stones and gems can also be used during your meditation practice be it on you or closely around you.

Below you can find some of the gems and stones beneficial for the sacral chakra:

  • Fire opal
  • Carnelian – the stone for creativity, endurance, motivation, courage and leadership
  • Orange moonstone
  • Amber
  • Citrine
  • Orange calcite – the stone for creativity

If you want to know more about crystals and stones and how to use them to balance and open your sacral chakra head over here:

Foods beneficial for the Sacral chakra

All seven chakras are impacted positively or negatively by what you are eating.

On top of a healthy diet, you can incorporate foods that are beneficial for the sacral chakra.

I always start with the desert, so we’re going to see what fruits are recommended for Svadhishthana balancing.

Any high-water content fruits such as watermelons, mangoes, oranges, apricots, peaches, passion fruit.

Almonds, walnuts, flax, and sesame seeds are going to give a boost to your sacral chakra and also to your Omega-3 intake.

Salmon would be a great source of healthy oils and fats and omega-3 that would rejuvenate the sacral chakra and not only…

… but unless you’re in the heart of Alaskan wilderness I do not recommend any type of fish.


The answer is simple. Too much mercury.

And we wouldn’t want to block our third eye chakra by contributing to the pineal gland calcification, right?

Carrots, orange peppers, sweet potatoes could help your sacral chakra, also your blending skills…

… be it that you use some of these in a salad or a smoothie.

Since the second chakra element is water, it is only logical (sorry, I had to do it) that we consume lots of water…

… coconut water or herbal teas.

Herbs and plants for Sacral chakra healing

Speaking of herbal teas, here are some herbs good for Svadhishthana:

  • Damiana
  • Calendula
  • Fennel
  • Gardenia
  • Licorice

If you’re interested in some brew, you could try a special herbs blend designed exclusively for the sacral chakra.

The 100% organic sacral chakra tea it’s a herbal tea from Buddha Teas and it will surely improve the balancing of the second chakra.

Tip – Do not consume fire

When preparing your favorite tea, try not to use boiling hot water.

In fact, it is recommended that you don’t apply more heat than the sun would normally deliver…

… to the plants you’re brewing.

I always heat the water for my teas to about 60-70 degrees Celsius,

… that is 140-158 degrees Fahrenheit.

You could also brew a tea by leaving the plants in water over night.

The process it’s called cold maceration. Here’s how to do it:

  • Take one teaspoon of your favourite plant mix
  • Grind them manually or electrical, your choice
  • Place that fine plant powder into room temperature water
  • Leave the mix overnight
  • Or place it in a cool, dark place. Usually between 6 to 8 hours

And that’s it!

Make sure to filter it, and do not leave the plants in if you brew more than one portion.

This might take longer, but this is the best way to take advantage of all the healing properties of those plants.

Identify and clear sexual blockages

Growing up, what were you taught about sexuality?

Sex is bad, you shouldn’t do that, sex is the forbidden fruit etc.…

Identify those beliefs and preconceptions about sexuality.

Guilt, shame, sexual desires, beliefs?

Take a moment and identify these blockages and then ask yourself…

… is that what you truly believe or is it something that you picked up from another person.

Identify and then heal any past trauma.

Boundary infringement, harming, sexual abuse can create a defensive mechanism…

… which will be active even in loving and caring relationships.

Embrace who you really are

Expand your knowledge and understanding of who you are by exploring knowledge resources such as…

… books, guided meditation, various workshops.

Surround yourself with like-minded people, join online or real-life communities that…

… will help you understand yourself better, both physically and mentally.

Love what you see in the mirror. Embrace your unique body and its needs.

Shake off all that doubt, uncertainty, hate, self-pity and let your light shine bright like a beacon.

You could also try other alternative methods for balancing your Svadhishthana such as…

Color Therapy

Brighten up with orange, apricot, and peach colors.

Wear orange clothes or decorate your living space with orange objects.

You could also choose to express your creativity using these colors…

… Paint and craft with peachy, apricot, orange colors.

Sound healing

I recommend a beautiful pack of binaural beats specifically crafted for chakra balancing. You can download it from here.

For the ultimate experience with binaural beats, headphones are recommended.

Break the habit

Get out of the comfort bubble and allow yourself to do something… spontaneously!

Don’t think about it much, just get up and do it.

The idea is to break the never-ending pattern that we follow every day on autopilot.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!


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