Third eye chakra is one of the three more spiritual chakras and it is responsible for reality, instinct, thought, and awareness.

Recognizing the function of each chakra is an important initial step toward balancing your chakras and creating a unified flow of energy.

Since all seven chakras are connected, balancing one will generate change in the others.

If you’re looking for broadening your knowledge and developing your intuition you might want to concentrate on your third eye.

What is the Third Eye Chakra?

The third eye chakra is one of the seven individual chakras.

Chakras are powerful energy cores ranging from the root chakra located at the base of your spine to the crown chakra at the top of the head.

Among these seven energy cores, third eye chakra is the 6th chakra.

Also known by its traditional name Ajna, in Sanskrit translates into “perceiving” or “command” which makes a lot of sense since the third eye governs how you perceive the world.

To find its physical location, find the center of your forehead and then slightly above the center of your brow ridge look for a small indentation.

Maybe now you’ll understand where the idea of sixth sense came from.

The sixth chakra, the third eye which is seeing beyond the three-dimensional plane. It is all about intuition.

It influences your:

  • Intuition
  • Self-realization
  • Clarity
  • Observation
  • Astral projection
  • Lucid dreaming
  • Awareness of what is happening around you and also what it means

Third eye chakra governs your eyes, frontal sinuses, the outer portions of the brain, many parts of the skull, ears, nose, endocrine system, and parasympathetic nerves.

How do I know if my Third Eye chakra is open?

When your third eye chakra is healthy, you’ll be able to use both logic and feeling to make important decisions in life.

You’ll see life with clearness and with solid instinct, understanding, emotional equilibrium, and self-awareness.

Basically, you’ll start to see everything around you in a completely different perception.

That is precisely what third eye chakra does, it offers you the capability to see the unity of all things.

Signs of an imbalanced Third Eye chakra

To identify if you’re having an out of balance sixth chakra you need to be aware of your feelings, thoughts, actions, also physical sensations inside your body.

Here are the common signs to look out for:

  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Dementia
  • Paranoia
  • Sinus pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Eye discomfort
  • You’re excessively rational or emotional
  • You neglect paying attention to your instinct, intuition
  • You have a hard time in perceiving reality plainly
  • Daydreaming constantly to escape reality
  • Quickly irritable and getting upset
  • Being stubborn
  • Having inflexible points of view about the environment you’re living in that you’re not going to change
  • Unable to focus and lack of willpower. You know, like you’re missing that drive to get things done
  • You are frequently undecided

Causes for Third Eye chakra blockage

Stress, emotional upset, illnesses, and conflict can cause blockages in your third eye chakra and not only.

In fact, these are the main factors that can throw out of balance one or more of your energy cores.

Since the third eye chakra works in conjunction with the pineal gland, it might be a good idea to consider decalcifying it.

You do that by taking care of what you eat and drink, also what you’re constantly using for body and household hygiene.

I talk about this in detail below (see de-calcifying your pineal gland).

Enough with what could be wrong and cause imbalances in your third eye chakra.

Now let’s dive deep into how we can heal and balance our third eye chakra.

Here are 11 ways to heal and balance your Third Eye chakra

Use tailored affirmations

By that I mean affirmations made by you, for you, to work on identified third eye chakra blockages.

Be sure to craft them to be supportive and caring, also choose something that you truly resonate with.

Try making a habit of saying these every morning and evening.

Here are some examples to get you inspired:

  • I always see the reality in every situation through universal consciousness.
  • I trust my intuition, I let it guide my decisions.
  • I am open to the Universe’s wisdom.
  • I align my consciousness with the source of all life.
  • I expand my awareness; I can see the light in every soul.
  • I am a conscious creator of my own reality.

Chanting and the power of sound

The third eye mantra is OM (AUM), which should be chanted “Ahhh”, “Ohhh”, “Mmm”.

You know I’m a fan of binaural beats, so without further due let me recommend listening to binaural beats specially crafted for third eye chakra frequency.

I recommend a beautiful pack of binaural beats specifically crafted for chakra balancing. You can download it from here.

For the ultimate experience with binaural beats, headphones are recommended.

These can be listened to while meditating to help you focus and achieve that mindfulness state.

Here are some tunes that might offer some inspiration:

Include in your diet more of these herbs and plants

Use any of these herbs, such as passionflower, juniper, eyebright, rosemary, lavender, mugwort, basil, saffron, star anise, ginko, blue lotus.

How can you use these herbs?

You can drink them as tea–infused, you can slow burn them as incense, or you could apply them directly onto your skin (a diluted solution).

In my opinion, the best way to take advantage of these herbs is to drink them as teas.

I heat some water in my favorite kettle,

… then infuse my favorite tea blend for about 4 to 8 minutes,

… and then pour the magic drink in my mug while my smell gets delighted in the wonderful blend.

And then I add some drops of lime and take a sip.

Good joy to my taste buds!

Yes, I’m a tea fan!

The guys from Buddha Teas have a special tea blend, 100% organic, designed specifically for the Third Eye chakra tea that you could buy from here.

Tip – Do not consume fire

When preparing your favorite tea, try not to use boiling hot water.

In fact, it is recommended that you don’t apply more heat than the sun would normally deliver…

… to the plants you’re brewing.

I always heat the water for my teas to about 60-70 degrees Celsius,

… that is 140-158 degrees Fahrenheit.

You could also brew a tea by leaving the plants in water overnight.

The process it’s called cold maceration. Here’s how to do it:

  • Take one teaspoon of your favorite plant mix
  • Grind them manually or electrical, your choice
  • Place that fine plant powder into room temperature water
  • Leave the mix overnight
  • Or place it in a cool, dark place. Usually between 6 to 8 hours

And that’s it!

Make sure to filter it, and do not leave the plants in if you brew more than one portion.

This might take longer, but this is the best way to take advantage of all the healing properties of those plants.

Consume more of these foods

When it comes to food, think (royal) purple-indigo. Purple cabbage, eggplant, purple grapes, purple kale, purple carrots.

Also, a good recommendation will be to include in your diet more wheatgrass, kale, broccoli, spirulina, raw cocoa, garlic, beetroot, oranges, grapefruits.

You can make some tasty smoothies from these.

Be sure to consume cocoa which aids in stress relief because of its high concentration of flavonoids.

Oh, I almost forgot. Keep your Omega-3 intake at optimal levels.

I recommend plant sources for Omega-3 like chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seed, and brussels sprouts (you’ll see why I didn’t choose fish, next).

Go for nuts and seeds! Walnuts, pecan nuts, Brazilian nuts.

The pineal gland and its crucial role

Since we talked about the benefits of consuming certain foods, herbs, plants, and their essential oils, it is a good time to introduce you to pineal gland decalcification.

The third eye chakra is the primary channel through which we communicate and also receive from the Divine or Spirit or Universe or God, or however you want to call it.

It operates in combination with the pineal gland, it is our most effective, inherent tool for navigating our reality past the tangible world.

It allows us to connect and see into the astral plane acting as a sort of receiver enabling us to get that divine intuition such as visions, dreams, perceptions, and sixth sense.

Decalcifying your pineal gland

To decalcify the pineal gland try avoiding,

… and if possible, excluding these elements from your food, water, and cosmetics:

  • Fluoride – is most frequently present in drinking water, also in toothpaste. This should not be totally excluded but maintained in certain limits. For example, the upper limit of fluoride in drinking water in the U.S. is 4 mg/L (milligrams per liter). In other countries, this can be lower, the most common is 1.5 mg/L.
  • Halides. Halides are anions of the group 17 elements, halogens. Some halides include Chloride, Bromide, and, you’ve guessed it, Fluoride.
  • Herbicides and pesticides. These ones are hard to avoid since nowadays the majority of our food has some sort of chemical in it. Try homegrown fruits and vegetables, and organic meat.
  • Calcium. Avoid milk and cheese. Basically, dairy products.
  • Mercury. You’ll find this metal commonly in fish and seafood, but not only. Robert F. Kennedy Jr has dedicated his life to fighting the use of mercury in food and vaccines. You can google it and find out more about his work and connect the dots.
  • Other chemicals such as air refreshers, deodorants, sugar, artificial sweeteners.

I really hope I didn’t scare you with all the elements you should avoid, but we’re living in trying times and I believe it’s better to be well informed and to take actions beneficial to both your body and the environment.

Color therapy

Third eye chakra color is Indigo.


You may also find on the internet the following colors associated with the sixth chakra: deep indigo, royal blue, dark blue, or purple.

Wearing indigo or having any sort of art displayed in your room(s) could help stimulate your third eye chakra.

I’m more of a DIY person so I choose to make my own art. You could print a multi-piece design, or you could paint or make in photoshop any design you’d like.

Let your imagination run free.

Third Eye chakra visualization and meditation

A simple technique to focus your attention on the third eye chakra while meditating is to visualize it as a glowing bright dark blue sphere slowly revolving around its center.

Synchronize the glow with your breathing. Then visualize the orb how it’s erasing all your identified third eye chakra blockages.

This could have great potential in helping you unblock your third eye if you combine meditation with mindfulness and with receiving light, be it natural sunlight or from a flame.

Practice mindfulness

Be aware of what’s happening around you, just observe, don’t judge.

Be self-aware. Focus on the present moment of your reality, be present in whatever arises in your day-to-day living.

We do this so we don’t get lost and trapped in delusions and fantasy.

Go outside, spend more time in natural light

The third eye chakra element is light.

Therefore, you might observe your mind to be clearer while sitting outside bathing in the morning sunlight.

Hey, if you’re not a matinal person you can still enjoy those beautiful sunsets,

… and on top of that you can sit a bit more gazing at the bright full moon.

Being outside, in nature near trees, can benefit your body, calm your anxiety, and improve blood pressure.

Gazing at a flame

Starring at a flame, usually a candle, is known as the Trataka technique in Hatha Yoga.

You start by fixating your attention to a black dot, a symbol such as Om, a picture of a deity, a flame, and then you simply stare at it.

If you’re doing this with a candle/flame,

… you should position it 3 to 4 feet away (approx. 1 meter),

… and the flame should be at the same level as your eyes.

Doing this will help calm your mind,

… and with practice will improve your concentration, your memory, and your state of awareness.

Try using crystals for balancing your third eye chakra

Each chakra is affected by special stones and crystals and their energetic attributes.  

Have them around you during your third eye mindful meditation or you can carry them in your pocket throughout the day.

The upper chakra colors are very beautiful, and they could be easily worn as jewelry.

These are the common crystals used for healing the third eye chakra:

  • Amethyst
  • Purple Fluorite
  • Purpurite
  • Larvikite
  • Unakite
  • Purple Charoite

You can prevent possible health issues by doing a grounding meditation using natural dark crystals such as black obsidian, black diopside, or black tourmaline.

If you want to know more about crystals and stone for third eye chakra healing, head over here:

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!

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