Being the first among the three more divine or spiritual chakras,

… the Throat chakra is responsible for communication and expression of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

It is our core of expression regarding verbalizing our truths.

Commonly, this chakra becomes more mature later in life,

… as one comes to be much more comfortable expressing their ideas, points of views, and thoughts to others.

Let’s take a closer look at what exactly is the throat chakra,

… how do we know we have a healthy throat chakra,

… how to recognize a blocked one, and what can we do to heal, balance, and open it.

What is the Throat Chakra?

Within our body, along the spinal column, there are 7 energy vortexes or cores called chakras.

The throat chakra is the fifth energy core and is also known by its traditional name Vishuddha.

In Sanskrit, Vishuddha means purified, cleansed, pure, free from vice, sin, or imperfection [source].

The throat chakra is most frequently represented with the color blue, or azure blue.

The center of this chakra is positioned at the base of your neck, right at the hollow where the two collar bones meet.

It is associated with the element called ether.

Fun fact

For those of you that are into Sci-Fi and have seen the movie called The Fifth Element,

… I believe now you’ll have a better understanding of why they chose this name for the movie.

The character Leeloo represents the embodiment of ether, the 5th element.

Why did they choose that?

Because the fifth element, ether, the throat chakra is all about truth.

It is the center of purity, also the chakra of purification.

It governs the lymph system, the throat, pituitary, thyroid, ears, neck, jaw, mouth, tongue, and shoulders.

How do I know if my throat chakra is open?

When your throat chakra is open, you’re able to communicate clearly and freely with authenticity.

You’ll speak with confidence and you’ll listen well.

You will be open, sincere, and not afraid to share how you truly feel.

Now let’s take a look at how we can identify the signs of a blocked throat chakra.

Signs of an unbalanced Throat Chakra

A common sign that your fifth chakra is blocked is speaking continuously without listening.

You know, the type of anxious talking when you’re worried about silence or being alone.

Another clear indication of an imbalance would be criticizing or yelling at another person, basically using your voice to hurt others.

Or when you’re talking AT each other rather than TO each other, creating thus misunderstandings and miscommunication.

If you feel suppressed, like almost not having a saying in a conversation…

… because nobody listens to you, you might experience an imbalance in the throat chakra.

Here are some common signs of an unhealthy throat chakra:

  • Struggle to speak out your thoughts
  • You have a tendency to strongly press your point of view onto others
  • You have a hard time with communication in your relationship. You’re more like… miscommunicating
  • You notice that it’s challenging at times to be sincere with yourself and any person you might interact
  • You usually get into limiting connections that do not let you verbalize your thoughts and feelings without being criticized
  • Your voice often snaps, or it might sound very thin
  • Voice loss
  • Thyroid problems
  • Sore throat, congestions, a constant feeling that you need to unclog your throat and adjust your voice
  • Inflamed lymph nodes in the neck area
  • You regularly have throat, sinus, and/or breathing infections
  • You’re experiencing ear problems such as infections or hearing loss

What Causes Throat Chakra Blockage?

The main reason that causes your throat chakra to be out of balance…

… is not speaking, thinking, and living in alignment with your own personal truth.

A second reason that causes an imbalance in Vishuddha…

… is other people not thinking, seeing, and accepting your internal truth and viewing it as valid.

Complaining and gossiping can also be a factor that can cause a blockage.

When you’re complaining you’re not in alignment with your true self,

… with your integrity because you realize that there is something that…

… you’re not happy with, that you wish you’d have changed and you don’t do anything to change it.

By complaining you’re always focusing on the cliché-esque “empty half”.

This, my friend, is the key ingredient to negative thinking.

And negative thinking can also block your throat chakra and throw it out of balance.

For example, think of negative thinking as a toxin that must be filtered every time by the throat chakra.

Too much toxin to process and you’ll end up with a clogged filter.

Being in a constant negative state will only overwhelm your body and soon it will lose its capacity to filter it.

That being said, let’s have a look at how we can unblock and heal our throat chakra.

Here are 9 ways to heal and open your Throat chakra

Use Mantras

Throat chakra mantra is HAM. It is pronounced “Hahm”.

Mantras are the answer for clearing up energy blockages within our bodies.

By vocalizing or by singing throat chakra mantras,

… you can successfully modify obstructions located in the throat chakra area,

… hence creating a healing effect.

Here are some mantras that you can use to clear any blockages in your throat chakra:

  • Om Mani Padme Hum, pronounced: “Ohm mah nee pahd may hum
  • Sat Nam, pronounced: “Suh-ah-tuh na-hm
  • Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo, pronounced: “Ong Naa Moo G’roo Day Na Mo


Chanting is our internal tool for healing our body with the power of sound, in this case, the throat chakra.

When you’re chanting HAM “haaaaa…hmmm” you’re matching the throat chakra frequency or vibration and that helps clear it or unblock it.

An intermediate way between chanting and sound bathing, that I’ll describe below,

… could be listening to binaural beats.

Shortly, binaural beats are types of frequencies specifically designed to match certain brainwave patterns.

Since not many people like listening to a humming noise,

… it is a common practice to put a calm, tranquil melody on top of that humming noise,

… hence creating the binaural beat.

You can find many binaural beats on YouTube, crafted for certain needs.

I recommend a beautiful pack of binaural beats specifically crafted for chakra balancing. You can download it from here.

For the ultimate experience with binaural beats, headphones are recommended.

Since not everyone has professional audio studio capabilities these binaural beats are best used with headphones.

Use sound to heal your throat chakra

The best way to take advantage of sound healing is when used as an external tool.

Think of it like going to a SPA.

When played, certain objects or instruments vibrate to a specific frequency that can be beneficial for your body.

Some of the well-known instruments are Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks.

I’ve also seen some people using bells.

When these instruments are played in a dedicated room with certain acoustic properties, you’ll be having a sound bath.

Now you know why people chant OM “Oohm” in the halls of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Did you know that each chakra has a corresponding musical note and a certain frequency?

You can read more about it here.

Consume more of these foods

Think of foods that are blue – purple-ish in color.

You can start introducing more of these fruits into your diet: blueberries, blackberries, plums, figs.

You can also add currants and blue grapes.

When you’re having a sore throat, what would you rather eat?

That’s right. You’d prefer liquid, soothing foods such as raw honey, or coconut water.

Drink plenty of water, definitely not ice cold water, and warm herbal teas.

Speaking of teas, let’s have a look at herbs beneficial for your throat chakra.

Start using herbs and plants

Use herbs like slippery elm, peppermint, sage, eucalyptus.

I talk more about plants and herbs for chakra healing here.

One of the best ways to consume herbs and plants is to brew them into tea.

Tip – Do not consume fire

When preparing your favorite tea, try not to use boiling hot water.

In fact it is recommended that you don’t apply more heat than the sun would normally deliver…

… to the plants you’re brewing.

I always heat the water for my teas to about 60-70 degrees Celsius,

… or 140-158 Fahrenheit.

You could also brew tea by leaving the plants in water overnight.

The process it’s called cold maceration. Here’s how to do it.

Take one teaspoon of your favorite plant mix and grind them,

… manually or electrical, your choice.

Place that fine plants powder into room temperature water and leave the mix overnight…

… or place it in a cool, dark place. Usually between 6 to 8 hours.

And that’s it!

Make sure to filter it, and do not leave the plants in if you brew more than one portion.

This might take longer, but this is the best way to take advantage…

… of all the healing properties of those plants.

If you’re a tea person this should be a nice addition to your already favorite teas.

If not, you might consider incorporating tea in your daily habits;

… it can only do you good. Don’t forget to add a drop of lemon juice.

I recommend one of the best teas crafted specifically for throat chakra that is soothing and 100% organic.

This is the 5th Chakra Tea by Buddha Teas.

Bring more color into your life

As you know, azure blue or bright blue is the 5th chakra color.

Gaze at the blue sky (when possible) and if you’re combining it with sitting in nature this can be a good booster.

Wear blue clothes, add more blue into your living environment.

You can paint your room in bright blue or just add a big blue sky wallpaper on your bedroom wall.

If redecorating your room seems too much,

… you could hang onto your room walls a painting, a mural,

… or some landscape pictures, or you could make your own mural.

Crystal meditation

Certain crystals can aid you to unblock the throat chakra.

You can have them near you while you meditate in your favorite spot or you could wear them as a necklace.

Here are 6 great crystals that are beneficial for throat chakra:

  • Aquamarine (Stone of Courage)
  • Lapis Lazuli (Stone of Friendship, Truth and Total Awareness)
  • Blue Kyanite (High Vibration Stone)
  • Turquoise (Stone of Communication)
  • Blue Lace Agate (Stone of Articulation)
  • Blue Apatite (Stone of Personal Power)

If you want to know more on how to heal the throat chakra with crystals and stones, head over here:

Throat chakra meditation

A simple technique to focus your attention on the throat chakra while meditating…

… is to visualize it as a glowing bright blue orb slowly revolving around its center.

Synchronize the orb glow with your breathing.

Then visualize the orb how it’s erasing all your identified throat chakra blockages.

Breathing exercises and Yoga


Now, before you venture ahead please be careful! Your safety comes first.

If during your breathing exercises you experience dizziness,

or you feel lightheaded please lie down.

Also, try to exercise caution when doing the two yoga positions mentioned below.

Take it slow and have a partner help you out.

The reason I combined the two is that posture matters during these breathing practices.

While sitting with your back straight you can try two Pranayama exercises that help heal the throat chakra.

The first one is called Lion’s breath and the second is Ujjayi which is my favorite.

Now for the Yoga part of this method, you can try 2 positions or asanas.

Fish stand or Matsyasana stretches your neck and while doing that…

… it also strengthens your neck muscles.

It is also known as the “destroyer of all diseases”.

Shoulder stand or Salamba Sarvangasana strengthens your shoulders and neck.

It is a great way to maintain your thyroid healthy.

It is also known as the “mother of all asanas”.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!

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