Before we can look at some practical ways to open your solar plexus chakra,

… let’s see what chakras are and how are they organized in your body.

Your body, at the most basic level, is made up of energy.

That energy, vibrating at a certain frequency, condenses itself…

… into the physical body.

But before this, it arranges itself into chakras, which can later act as portals,

… capable of emitting or receiving energy.

These chakras, each vibrate at a specific frequency and…

… each has a specific purpose.

Chakras are small condensed energy centers or vortices.

There are seven such energy cores, chakras.

Laid along your spinal cord,

… it starts with the Root chakra located at the bottom of your spine (tailbone) and…

… ascending to the seventh energy core, the crown chakra, located on top of your head.

Each chakra is a particular expression of prana otherwise known as…

… life-giving force or source energy.

There are seven chakras starting with:

… root, sacral and solar plexus chakras, all governing the physical body.

Then the heart chakra governs the emotional body,

… which also acts as a bridge or a connection between the physical and spiritual body.

And then the throat, third eye and crown chakras govern the spiritual body.

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

The Solar Plexus chakra is the third energy center among the seven.

Its ancient name is Manipura which in Sanskrit translates to “lustrous gem”.

The Sanskrit name is not far away from the truth because,

… when this chakra is balanced it shines bright like the sun.

It is located above your navel right where your diaphragm resides.

Solar Plexus chakra is associated with the sun and the color yellow.

Its associated element is fire.

Manipura governs the following organs:

  • stomach
  • liver
  • gallbladder
  • the large intestine
  • kidneys
  • pancreas
  • adrenal glands
  • diaphragm
  • much of the muscular system
  • skin

The solar plexus chakra is the center of personal power and personal identity.

That’s why it’s directly related to personal willpower, ego, personal freedom,

… honor, integrity, confidence, self-esteem and authenticity… to name a few.

This chakra is the key component that transforms inertia into movement,

… it transforms lethargy into vitality.

Manipura provides you the power to manifest your ideas into reality by taking action.

Without rushing into some practical ways to open your solar plexus chakra,

… I believe it’s necessary to understand what open and closed Manipura means.

How do I know if my Solar Plexus chakra is open?

Be sure that you have a healthy, fully open solar plexus chakra when:

  • You trust your inner guidance and intuition.
  • Having the drive, the willpower to do what’s necessary to succeed.
  • Living with honor, integrity and authenticity.
  • You’re humble but keeping your self-esteem.

Signs of a closed Solar Plexus chakra

As with all chakras and all aspects of your life, you need to pay attention to…

… what your mind, body and spirit are telling you.

In other words, you need to be aware of any of your…

… feelings, thoughts, actions and physical sensations.

Below you can find some of these signs to be aware of:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Needing other people’s validation
  • No self-confidence in almost all aspects of your life
  • Poor self-image
  • Lack of purpose, low willpower
  • Big ego
  • Always wanting to control others to get what you need – control freak
  • Feeling weak and helpless
  • An inclination of developing co-dependent relationships
  • A constant sensation of fatigue and laziness
  • Overeating and overindulging
  • You either feel insecure or you tend to bully other people
  • Body temperature issues such as too cold or too hot
  • Excessive belly fat or pot belly
  • Bloating, digestive cramps or constipation
  • Stomach ulcers, digestive system disorders, diabetes, hypoglycemia

Now that you have a better understanding of an unhealthy Manipura,

… we’ll discuss below some practical ways to open your solar plexus chakra.

Causes for Solar Plexus chakra blockage

Funny thing is how relationships tend to influence our lives.

It starts right from the early years of this world.

Some grew up with authoritarian parents,

… some experienced physical and/or emotional abuse.

Add all of that on top of the fact that in most of your relationships,

… you don’t feel heard or even seen, your personal identity…

… is not even acknowledged by other people.

So, what happens if you’re part of such a relationship?

Well, your self-esteem will be drastically reduced by being negatively impacted by this.

You lose your freedom of being, and you allow yourself to be controlled.

Soon you’ll be living without any authenticity and integrity.

And all of these cause your solar plexus chakra to be blocked.

So, what practical ways to open your solar plexus chakra you can start practicing?

Here are 14 practical ways to open your Solar Plexus chakra

Feel free to try experimenting with as many as you like.

The most important aspect is to be consistent and…

… allow yourself to go through the entire process.

Also, if there’s something that catches your eye and you feel like you need more info…

… don’t be shy and leave a comment.

Ok, let’s start.

Meditate for your solar plexus chakra

If you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure that you recognize…

… the power of meditation.

Meditation practice is as difficult as you make it to be.

Start small and keep doing it, even though at first…

… you’ll have no idea what you’re doing. I know I did.

But if you’ll keep doing it consistently, you’ll soon realize that…

… this is easier than you thought.

The important thing to do is to TRY.


Before starting the visualization, have your hands placed…

… on top of the location where the solar plexus chakra resides.

The solar plexus chakra visualization can be done by imagining it as…

… bright yellow orb or vortex spinning clockwise.

Along with each inhale, visualize it growing to about a foot (30cm) wide,

… thus, opening and absorbing energy.

With each exhale, visualize it emitting your personal power and energy into the world.

The same technique can be applied by visualizing the Manipura as…

… a bright yellow revolving orb, which pulls energy and emits personal power…

… with each pulsing.

Sound healing

It can be in the form of live musical instruments such as Tibetan bowls, or…

… digital recordings/creations of specific sounds such as binaural beats, or…

… it can be your own voice chanting.

I prefer binaural beats simply because it allows me to dive deep into a…

… calm and focused state very fast and because I like technology.

I recommend a beautiful pack of binaural beats specifically crafted for chakra balancing. You can download it from here.

For the ultimate experience, headphones are recommended.

Every chakra vibrates at its specific frequency,

… thus, Manipura is no exception to that rule.

By utilizing this knowledge, you can facilitate the Solar Plexus chakra opening.

Here’s a good example of what I meant by…

… solar plexus chakra healing via binaural beats:


Many of us are aware of our posture only when starting the meditation practice.

This doesn’t have to stop when the meditation is over.

Mind your posture!

It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting, standing or walking,

… adjust your posture by standing straight/tall with your…

… shoulders to the back and chest forward.


As you’ve seen in the visualization practice, breathing plays an important role.

Not only it helps you focus better, but it can also be an effective tool.

By increasing your focus, allows you to take a step back and…

… reflect on the situation you’re into.

I’m talking about the other person you’re having an argument with.

By taking this time to breathe will allow you to realize that…

… continuing with that argument is just your ego crying for attention.

Affirmations to enforce a solar plexus chakra opening

Affirmations are a reliable tool for anyone wanting to change their mindset.

Say it until you believe it.

Don’t be afraid to make your own affirmations.

Here are a few just to give an example and to get you started:

  • I am using my power to do good
  • The past is behind me; I am living now
  • With honor, respect and integrity is how I choose to treat myself
  • The fire inside me clears all fears and blockages
  • I complete tasks easily and effortlessly
  • My self-esteem is healthy as I act with courage and determination
  • Decisions come easily as I craft my own choices

Yoga, the good ol’ healer

Full disclosure.

Until not long ago, I considered yoga a joke.

That was because I did not understand it and mostly due to my pride.

What I’m trying to say is that I was a fool (ahem).

Now that I got that out of the way, let’s continue.

I mentioned in previous posts that one of the main sources that…

… keeps me motivated, inspired and at the same teaches me,

… is watching lots of interviews or talks of various fulfilled people.

In many of these interviews, I see more and more people that…

… started practicing yoga, in their fifties or even sixties.

Yoga is an effective and high-class method to shape and energize your body…

… and release any oppressed energy that got stored away.

Below you can find some popular asanas good for Manipura healing:

  • Paripurna Navasana – Full boat
  • Bhujangasana – Cobra
  • Dhanurasana – Bow
  • Agnisar Kriya – Abdomen churning
  • Kapalabhati pranayama – Breath of fire
  • Urdhva Prasarita Padasana – Upward extended feet

Gems and stones for solar plexus chakra healing

Various stones and crystals can be used to help open the solar plexus chakra,

… such as:

  • Peach Moonstone
  • Golden Heliodor
  • Citrine
  • Amber
  • Yellow Topaz
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Jasper (yellow)

These can be worn as jewelry (pendants, bracelets, rings, earrings) or…

… simply carried on you in your pocket or…

… you can surround your environment with some of them.

The latter is commonly used in your sanctuary, that safe, quiet place…

… where you go to practice meditation.

If you want to find out more about crystals for solar plexus chakra healing head over here:

Find ways to let go of any anger that built inside you

This reminds me of a great Cherokee legend.

This legend is about a battle of two wolfs that takes place inside our hearts.

One wolf is envy, anger, sorrow, regret, greed, guilt, lies, and ego.

The other one is joy, peace, love, humility, hope, kindness, generosity, empathy, truth, faith, and compassion.

The answer to the obvious question of which one will win is…

… simple but powerful – “the one you’ll feed”.

So, you see, it is a matter of choice after all.

Always choose love instead of hate, happiness instead of anger, truth instead of lies.

But for that good wolf to win and leave peacefully inside our hearts,

… we need to release the bad one from time to time.

Choose to get rid of any anger built inside you in a healthy way such as…

… explosive workout, punching, kicking, kickboxing, dancing, etc… get creative.

Cut loose any disapproval and negative individuals

The point I’m trying to make here is to get rid of anyone that…

… is continuously criticizing, underestimating, unsupportive,

… and basically not motivating you to grow.

They need you to get their ideas enforced,

… but the good thing is that you don’t need them.

Attachments. Liberate yourself from them

These can be mental, emotional, and also physical.

During our lives, we tend to become attached to certain people, places,

… objects, emotions, memories, wishes, fears, ideals, beliefs.

Attachments are at the base level forms of energy that…

… get locked inside our minds.

The older these attachments are, the more rooted they become.

The danger they pose is living with a limiting belief system and…

… developing unhealthy addictions.

Ask yourself if you really need that thing, person, place, memory, desire, belief.

Does it serve you in any good, other than satisfying that craving?

Owning a million-dollar mansion with a 30-plus exotic car collection in the garage,

… in an exclusive high-class residential area, next to a beautiful man or woman…

… don’t make you wiser and most definitely will not make you enlighten.

To gain access to higher levels of consciousness you should…

… spend more time developing and nurturing your spirituality.

The moment you realize that be sure that…

… you can begin the process of healing and recovery.

You are the master and co-creator of this manifestation we call, LIFE.

Let go and begin the healing process of your solar plexus chakra,

… and ultimately of your entire physical, emotional and spiritual body.

Change your daily routines, constantly

Step out of that comfort bubble!

I know, is very cozy in there and you feel safe and you don’t feel like…

… you should be doing something out of the ordinary.

I understand very well how it feels because…

… I’m, too, in a constant battle with breaking the habit.

I find out that being spontaneous helps in ways that…

… it gives me ideas of what to do right now and if I dare…

… to take action, it will then make me feel more accomplished.

The keywords are “dare to take action”.

Start small and break that cycle of eat, watch tv, sleep,

… go to work, which currently is work from home, and then repeat.

Hey, I want to get out and do a walking meditation.

It can even be as small as changing your favorite shopping area with something else.

You always wanted to go on a road trip.

Get in the car and go! What’s stopping you,

… besides the sudden storm of questions and doubts swirling in your mind?

Start with small changes if you’re too afraid/uncomfortable at first.

Keep doing it and sooner than you think you’ll see how…

… easy it will be to do something you’ve never done before.

Include these foods in your diet

Seeing that one of the organs the 3rd chakra governs is the liver,

… my first thought was “detox”!

There are lots of liver detox programs or diets on the internet, but…

… I’ll choose the less complicated and easier one, water fasting.

Having that said you could include these foods in your diet more often:

  • Corn
  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • Beans (red or black to maximize the benefits)
  • Rice (red, brown or black)
  • Oat
  • Rye
  • Yellow peppers
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Cumin
  • Pineapple
  • Bananas
  • Lemons

If possible, always choose raw, dried or frozen. In that order.

If you must choose canned, watch out for sugar and preservatives.

Herbs to heal the solar plexus chakra

Anyone who likes to cook should have his/her herbs arsenal in the pantry.

Also, anyone who likes tea should have a good variety of herbs inside his kitchen.

When it comes to teas, I recommend the Buddha Teas’ Solar Plexus Chakra Tea

… a tasty blend explicitly mixed for Manipura healing, 100% organic.

Here are some herbs to heal the solar plexus chakra, should you…

… decide including some of them in your daily meals or brews:

  • Chamomile
  • Rosemary
  • Lemongrass
  • Fennel
  • Slippery elm
  • Calendula
  • Dandelion
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint

Tip – Do not consume fire

When preparing your favorite tea, try not to use boiling hot water.

In fact, it is recommended that you don’t apply more heat than the sun would normally deliver…

… to the plants you’re brewing.

I always heat the water for my teas to about 60-70 degrees Celsius,

… that is 140-158 degrees Fahrenheit.

You could also brew tea by leaving the plants in water overnight.

The process it’s called cold maceration. Here’s how to do it:

  • Take one teaspoon of your favorite plant mix
  • Grind them manually or electrical, your choice
  • Place that fine plant powder into room temperature water
  • Leave the mix overnight
  • Or place it in a cool, dark place. Usually between 6 to 8 hours

And that’s it!

Make sure to filter it, and do not leave the plants in if you brew more than one portion.

This might take longer, but this is the best way to take advantage of all the healing properties of those plants.

Essential oils that help open your solar plexus chakra

You can use essential oils during your meditation practice or,

… when you’re trying to relax and calm the mind after a busy day.

These can be used with a diffuser or 2-3 drops in water placed…

… in a small recipient on top of a flame, most of the times, candles;

… hence taking advantage of the aromatherapy.

Essential oils can also be placed directly on your skin, usually wrists.

If you’re planning to meditate, you could rub a few drops in your palms,

… achieving thus the same effect as with a diffuser.

Here are the most used essential oils to help clear the solar plexus chakra:

  • Sandalwood
  • Black pepper
  • Cedarwood
  • Cypress
  • Rosemary
  • Bergamot
  • Geranium
  • Lemongrass

The power of laughing at you

Why so serious?

After all, life is not as serious as the mind makes it out to be.

When you can take a moment and stop and look at yourself,

… and in most cases you find something to laugh about,

… in that moment be sure to acknowledge that you have power over yourself.

You need to realize that there are ups and downs in this life, or…

… as Jim Rohn used to say, life is like the seasons.

The downs or the winters in your life prepare you for the next step in your evolution.

You can’t change the seasons, but you can change yourself.

Life happens for you, not to you.

Let the past go

A lot of our past anguishes end up being stashed inside our minds and…

… they continue to impact our thoughts and habits.

People that had to deal with rigorous childhood, authoritarian parents,

… bullying, physical and/or psychological abuse often tend to…

… have a blocked solar plexus chakra.

Recently, I’ve been listening to a compilation of Wayne Dyer talks and…

… he gives a perfect example of why you shouldn’t live in the past,

… by asking the following question:

– Can the trail a boat leaves behind can actually move the boat forward?

Take a moment and contemplate.

If you don’t like the answer maybe it’s time to get up and shine.

The sun is your friend

Be wise and choose the morning sun.

Wisdom comes in all the benefits mornings bring, such as…

… better health, better focus, better discipline, more time to get work done.

If you’re not an early riser, I get it.

And I’m not telling you what to do either.

A walk in the evening, contemplating the passed day…

… while the sun goes down, has the same effect.

The idea is to use the sun’s power when it’s closer to the horizon,

… that is in the morning or in the evening,

… not at midday, getting sunburned.

You need that vitamin D.

In fact, the less vitamin D, the more the chance of depression rises.

So, get outside and bathe in the morning or evening sunshine.

Be strong, be authentic, be daring, get up and shine!

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high,


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