Before we dive into this introduction to crystals and stones for solar plexus chakra healing, let’s see what the third chakra is and how you can use these stones and crystals.

The Solar Plexus chakra is the third energy center among the main seven cores located along the spine.

It’s also known by its ancient name – Manipura which in Sanskrit translates as “lustrous gem”.

The Sanskrit name is not far away from the truth because when this chakra is balanced it shines bright like the sun.

Manipura is associated with the sun and the color yellow and is the last physical chakra, with Root chakra being the first and Sacral chakra the second.

If you want to know more about the Solar Plexus chakra head over here:

Now let’s take a look at how you can use and maintain these stones and crystals for optimal performance.

How to use the crystals and stones for solar plexus chakra healing

The best method is by placing the respective crystal or stone over your energy points, such as chakras.

But, having most stones aesthetically pleasing it’s very easy to wear them as jewelry.

Bracelets or pendants being the most popular because these locations place them over your vital pulse points.

You could choose the more discreet approach by wearing them as rings or earrings.

Another way to use crystals and stones is to place them in key locations inside your living environment.

For example, on your desk or near you while doing meditation. Also, you could place them in the main four corners of your room.

Crystal water bottle

Another method to use these stones and gems is the crystal water bottle. 

There are many options to choose from on the market, but if you’re a DIY fan you can make one yourself.

Have your preferred crystal placed inside a glass bottle and then fill that bottle with fresh water. Ideally, you should allow some time to pass before consuming it.

That way you allow the crystal to revitalize and restructure (energetically) your drink(s).

Nowadays, it’s easier and cheaper to artificially produce crystals, stones and gems. Not saying that man-made crystals are not efficient, but if you do that choose some that have a little life prior to their shelf life.

That’s why I insist on always choosing to use natural crystals and stones since most of them are widespread and relatively cheap.

By doing so, you can be sure that those crystals and stones are very well charged.

Take Amber for example which is believed to be millions of years old. Imagine what kind of powerful energies this stone can hold.

Choose the properties, not the package.

So, to recap here is how you can use crystals and stones for solar plexus chakra healing:

  • Worn as jewelry
  • Placed on vital points on your body – chakra stones
  • Used in key locations inside your living environment
  • Inside a crystal water bottle

Here are some basic usage tips:

  • Avoid combining soft and hard stones. For example, amber is very soft, while hematite is very hard.
  • Do not spray or use any beauty products on them.
  • Do not wear them during sunbathing. Heat can alter their appearance and properties.
  • To be washed regularly with room temperature water and mild soap. Do not use detergents or other cleaning products.
  • Clean and dry them with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid exposing them to extreme temperature variations, especially from very cold to very hot.
  • Take them off when going for a bath in swimming pools and/or ocean/sea. Swimming pool water has a lot of chlorine and ocean/seawater is salty, both can alter your crystals.
  • It goes without saying but try not to wear them during workouts. Sweat can cause corrosion.

Not all stones can be washed!

Please make sure that you can expose them to water before cleaning with water.

For example, Angelite turns to gypsum when it comes in contact with water.

Awesome! Now that you have a basic idea on how to use and care, let’s look at the crystals and stone for solar plexus chakra healing.


Citrine - crystals and stones for solar plexus chakra healing

A variety of quartz whose color ranges from pale yellow to brown due to ferric impurities, natural citrines are very rare; most commercial ones are heat-treated amethysts or smoky quartzes.

Often made one and the same as the lemon quartz, citrine is not the same crystal as the lemon quartz.

Sure, they’re both species of quartzes and they’re very similar in coloration, but that’s about it.

Maybe the name could cause some confusion because it’s very similar to the French ‘citron’ that means lemon.

Moving on from the literal meaning, Citrine has a deep spiritual meaning too. Its yellow tints represent the spiritual qualities of happiness, abundance, and transformation.

Citrine is known as the “Merchant’s Stone”, due to its properties to transform energies fast and easy, thus easing energy transfers from one person to another.

Additionally, citrine portrays spiritual happiness given that it spreads positive, energetic light around its aura and is claimed to be among the just two crystals that don’t require charging or purification.

You can find below the citrine’s metaphysical properties:

  • Diverts and removes all kinds of negative energy
  • Great helper in recalling dreams
  • Boosts personal power
  • Elevates energy and drive
  • Removes deep-seated fears
  • Brings back the spark of optimism in your life

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo


Pyrite - crystals and stones for solar plexus chakra healing

Pyrite is an iron sulfide mineral and is the most common mineral in the world, also known as Fool’s Gold.

It got its name because many would mistake this with real gold but rest assured that there’s nothing foolish about pyrite.

Pyrite comes from the Greek word “pyr” or “pyros” which means fire and if you struck a piece of pyrite against a metal or a stone it will create sparks, hence the name pyrite.

Iron pyrite is a stone of willpower, action, and commitment. It is also the most popular stone known to boost prosperity and fortune.

You can find below the pyrite metaphysical properties:

  • Excellent energy shield
  • Attracts wealth and prosperity
  • Conveys awareness of higher knowledge
  • It grounds high vibrations into the physical world
  • Blocks energy discharging and restores auric tears

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo

Yellow Topaz

Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminum and fluorine widely used as a gemstone in jewelry. In its natural state topaz is a golden brown to yellow crystal.

The Yellow Topaz is commonly known as the Golden topaz or Imperial topaz.

In the world of crystals and stones for solar plexus chakra healing, the imperial topaz is the crystal of creativity, manifestation, and relationships.

The golden topaz can teach you about truth and forgiveness, helping you transmute these emotions into hope, compassion, and good faith.

It aids in fighting against depression, bringing wealth and happiness, and fortifying and calming your Solar Plexus.

This crystal has a solid healing, caring and positive vibration that will certainly assist you to attain all your heart-based wishes.

This suggests that good luck will follow you and improve all elements of your life, also it will enhance the love that you have in your life.

You can find below the yellow topaz metaphysical properties:

  • Aids to stay connected to your true self
  • Nourishes your self-confidence
  • Enhances physical vitality
  • Helps remove depression and fear
  • Brings abundance and joy

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Sagittarius

Yellow Jasper

Jasper is an aggregate of micro granular quartz and/or chalcedony and other mineral phases. This stone is an opaque, impure variety of silica, usually red, yellow, brown, or green in color.

For the Solar plexus work, you can use yellow jasper, the same as you use red or brown jasper for the root chakra.

The Yellow Jasper is a nourishing stone that embodies the healing properties of the sun, thus making it a great healing stone for the Solar Plexus.

It is a powerful stone for protection, also it has deep grounding energy.

You can find below the yellow jasper metaphysical properties:

  • Comforts the emotional stress and brings peace
  • Provides you with the courage to speak out
  • Shields you from jealousy and gossip, also from other people’s negativity
  • Offers hope and enthusiasm
  • Helps you create stronger and closer relationships
  • Encourages you to learn something new – stone of intellect

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Scorpio, Sagittarius

Golden Heliodor

Heliodor is a variety of beryl that can range in colors from pale yellow to brilliant gold, hence it’s also known name of Golden Beryl.

The Golden Beryl stimulates the higher consciousness and enables the mind to step out of auto-pilot mode.

This crystal’s vibration has the power to eliminate emotional rubbish from toxic people.

By offering clarity in tough situations, Golden Beryl can aid you to make the right choice and with time passing will increase your self-trust and confidence.

You can find below the golden beryl metaphysical properties:

  • Aids accomplishing your dreams and goals
  • Sustains survivors of abuse
  • Helps eradicate the duality within your personality
  • Provides trust in your abilities and self-confidence
  • Brings energies of confidence
  • Solidifies your sense of hope and faith in all the possibilities

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Scorpio

Lemon Quartz

Lemon Quartz - crystals and stones for solar plexus chakra healing

A close relative to Citrine is Lemon Quartz due to the visual similarity between them.

The only difference between the two is the saturation and tone of the color.

Lemon Quartz is obtained by irradiating regular quartz with cobalt-60 gamma rays at a very low dosage and then by heating it in several steps.

This is a powerful crystal identified with optimism and individual authority thus making it a reliable tool to cleanse and open the solar plexus chakra.

You can utilize Lemon Quartz to encourage self-love and self-respect, clearing up and getting rid of negative thinking and behavioral patterns that obstruct the Manipura.

You can find below the lemon quartz metaphysical properties:

  • Eliminates self-doubt
  • Promotes self-love and self-worth
  • Provides confidence so that you can move forward in inner peace and happiness
  • Enhances and strengthens the aura
  • Cleans and amplifies the energies of all the stones around it
  • Revitalizes the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini

Yellow Smithsonite

Smithsonite, also known as turkey fat or zinc spar, is a zinc carbonate, a mineral ore of zinc.

It may crystalize in various shapes and colors, but each smithsonite type provides us with the same energies, the kind of energies filled with tranquility, kindness, charm, love, and positive outcomes.

Yellow smithsonite has supporting and caring energy that releases blockages in the Solar Plexus chakra while healing your inner child and assisting you to establish satisfying relationships.

You can find below the smithsonite metaphysical properties:

  • Provides leadership confidence
  • Using it during meditation will help bring clarity and receptivity
  • Repulses negative energy from the aura
  • Promotes smoother communication in relationships
  • Helps overcome worry and calm negative emotions
  • Encourages letting go of the past

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Pisces, Virgo


Bronzite - crystals and stones for solar plexus chakra healing

Bronzite is a pyroxene mineral, and rather than a distinct species, it’s a ferriferous variety that has acquired a bronze-like metallic luster.

When you require the relief of your state of mind and bringing you into a brand-new unified state of higher awareness, Bronzite is the best stone to turn to.

It brings you from the midst of your very own darkness with a new feeling of clarity on who you are and what you’re capable of.

The Bronzite stone raises your self-confidence and consequently improves your thinking process to manifest ideas filled with motivational concepts.

It generally restarts your Spirit and differentiates any kind of self-limiting thought patterns.

Same as Tiger’s Eye, Bronzite can be used to balance and open all base chakras – root, sacral and solar plexus.

You can find below the bronzite metaphysical properties:

  • Reinforces non-judgmental behavior
  • Clears any self-limiting beliefs
  • Enables you to stop worrying and just be
  • Raises awareness of the implications of your thoughts, words, and actions

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo

What are zodiac birthstones?

Zodiac birthstones, aka Astral birthstones, are based on astrological signs.

Unlike modern birthstones which are related to your calendar birth month, zodiac birthstones are related to your astrological sign.

What you saw above, under each crystal is the attribution of the respective gem with the zodiac sign(s).

Thank you for reading this far.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!
