Before we look at these 11 simple ways to heal and open your heart chakra…

… let’s see what the chakras are and what is the heart chakra.

By now I can assume that you understand that all that exists in this universe…

… is energy vibrating at certain frequencies.

Located along the spinal cord we all have seven energy cores or chakras…

… each vibrating at a specific frequency and serving a specific purpose.

Each chakra is an individual expression of prana…

… otherwise known as source energy or life-giving force.

These chakras are more like funnels or vortices…

… each capable of absorbing and emitting energy.

What is the Heart Chakra?

Starting from the base of your spine where the Root chakra lies,

… the heart chakra is the fourth core among the seven.

The heart chakra is your center chakra.

It is located in the center of your chest directly over your heart.

And to go more in-depth, the heart chakra is the connection between…

… your physical body represented by the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras and…

… your spiritual body, represented by the throat, third eye and crown chakras.

No wonder the heart chakra is also known as the center of balance and connection.

The ancient name for the heart chakra is Anahata,

… which in Sanskrit translates into unhurt, unbeaten, unwounded, intact.

Anahata is the center of love and it is most associated with healing…

11 simple ways to heal and open your Heart chakra -

… because the frequency of love is the highest healing frequency of all.

The heart chakra is also associated with forgiveness, compassion, gratitude,

… fearless or the absence of fear, altruism, hope, trust, joy, generosity,

… kindness, and connection.

Its color is green and the associated element is Air.

The heart chakra governs the:

  • emotional regulation
  • heart
  • circulatory system
  • lungs
  • shoulders
  • arms
  • breasts
  • lymph system (beginning with the thymus gland)

Most of the decisions we make are made by the heart, emotionally,

… which gives the directive to the brain and then the brain obeys that directive.

No wonder mental illness is at its core emotional hurt.

Sounds scary and sad I know, and I’m sorry if I triggered that emotion.

This is another reason why you should be more interested…

… in these 11 simple ways to heal and open your heart chakra.

How do I know if my Heart chakra is open?

The answer to this question lies in the Sanskrit name of the heart chakra…

… Anahata, which translates to “unhurt”.

Unhurt, invincible is how you feel when your heart chakra is open.

If you feel grateful, forgiving, accepting, generous, fearless, open,

… hopeful, trustful, and connected to both you and other people…

… then you have an open heart chakra.

Signs of a blocked Heart chakra

When the heart chakra is blocked it means that it does not emit or allow energy into it,

… it becomes smaller and it changes the pattern

Every chakra will move out of alignment from time to time.

The important aspect is to recognize when that does and…

… take measures to bring it back to balance.

Below are some of the signs of a blocked heart chakra:

  • Impatience and/or irascibility
  • Agitation
  • Often tend to feel mentally secluded in your relationships
  • Being clingy in your relationships
  • Unable to forgive and holding grudges
  • Social anxiety
  • You are disengaged and always try to stay clear of social interaction
  • Always angry at other people
  • Feeling detached from the individuals around you, even from those close to you
  • You cannot stand to be all alone
  • Gaining your self-worth from other people. You tend to please everyone but yourself
  • You find it very hard to let go of distressful and irritable thoughts
  • Jealousy
  • Unable to give or receive love openly
  • Constant feeling of heaviness in your chest
  • Insomnia
  • Heart, lung or upper body area issues such as asthma, poor blood flow or high blood pressure

Causes for Heart chakra blockage

A simple answer is any emotional hurt that…

… occurs in union with your connection to other people.

You will not always know what is causing a blockage in your heart chakra.

That’s why is best to be aware of some of the common reasons that…

… could throw the heart chakra out of alignment.

Toxic relationships and/or friendships can be the main cause…

… which is often not even taken into consideration.

By simply denying the truth about you, can contribute to a heart chakra blockage.

Another cause is any kind of loss or grief that you might go through.

Tear down that wall around your heart by starting to use these…

… 11 simple ways to heal and open your heart chakra and…

… you’ll be able to feel and give love again.

Here are 11 simple ways to heal and open your heart chakra

Approach these with an open mind.

If you don’t fully understand something, take a moment and read it again.

Always have a mind that is open to everything but attached to nothing.

Be thankful for everything you have

This should be the foundation for any person who wants to heal him or herself…

… both physically and emotionally.

When you begin to practice gratitude, you change the chemistry inside your body…

… and with it, you start to raise your vibrational frequency.

No wonder so many studies show how gratitude can change your life.

Take a minute and just STOP!

And realize how much we take for granted nowadays.

A simple and meaningful “thank you” said to a person…

… while looking him/her in the eyes.

Really say thank you and see how you feel.

It doesn’t hurt to turn gratitude into a habit; it can only do you, and others, good.

Meditation for the heart chakra

Go to that spot where you always go when you want to embrace the silence.

Be sure to prime yourself with positive thoughts about yourself;

… a short gratitude prayer could be integrated here.

Prep your space before starting the meditation practice.

That could include a comfortable pillow for you to sit and lean your back on,

… gems, stones, incense, essential oils, candles.

Any or all of these could help you feel more relaxed and more willing to…

… start the meditation.


You can begin with the classic heart chakra visualization meditation.

Here you can imagine a green glowing orb, rotating around its center and…

… with each pulsation, it clears any heart chakra blockage.

By consciously breathing, with each exhale you become more relaxed and…

… you can now visualize yourself doing this in a forest…

… surrounded by raw greenery and beautiful flowers…

… all synchronized in beautiful movements as a breeze gently blows through your hair.

This is just an idea of how you can do this visualization,

… but you can customize it to your liking.

During meditation focus on feelings of love, compassion and gratitude…

… towards you and others.

Before you conclude make sure you set your intention,

… beautifully done with an affirmation and then, after you finish,

… give yourself 2 to 5 more minutes to reflect.

You can even keep a meditation journal where…

… you note down how you feel after each meditation practice.

Sound healing

I often use sounds during meditation practices.

One, it calms my mind, and two, it helps me focus.

You could use binaural beats beautifully crafted for the heart chakra healing.

I recommend a beautiful pack of binaural beats specifically crafted for chakra balancing. You can download it from here.

Here’s an example of chakra healing sounds:

Make sure you use headphones for the best experience.

Also, you could try these heart-cleansing sounds:

Similarly, you could use recordings of Tibetan bowls or…

… if you happen to have some in your attic, use them during meditation.

Heart chakra affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool, especially if you choose to verbalize them.

Any thought spoke out loud it’s ten times more powerful than…

… just a conversation inside our mind.

If you also practice meditation you could use affirmations…

… at the end of each practice to further enforce the positive aspect you focus on.

As I already accustomed you, feel free to really make these yours!

Here are some ideas for you to craft your own heart chakra affirmations:

  • I am worthy. I am worthy of love
  • Love flows in and out of my heart
  • My feelings are safe
  • I forgive myself and others
  • My heart is filled with joy and gratitude
  • Effortlessly and unconditionally, I give and receive love, forgiveness and compassion
  • Joy, compassion and love, are what I always choose
  • My heart is now free as I let go of the past wounds and shatter the wall around it

Gems and stones to heal and balance your heart chakra

Or chakra stones, as many like to call these crystals.

The easiest, also the fanciest way is to wear them as jewelry.

It can be a necklace, bracelet, ring, or earring.

Another technique is to carry one or two in your shirt chest pocket.

These chakra stones can also be placed around you when and where…

… you choose to meditate or in the place where you spend the most time in.

Here are the most powerful gems and stones to heal and balance your heart chakra:

  • Green Jade – stone of fidelity
  • Rose quartz – stone of unconditional love
  • Green aventurine – stone of opportunity
  • Prehnite – stone of unconditional love and healing
  • Amazonite – stone of hope and courage
  • Emerald
  • Malachite
  • Green calcite

If you want to know more about crystals and stone for heart chakra healing head over here:

Shift out of the victim mode

Stop sacrificing yourself for the good of others to fuel your desire…

… for praise and veneration.

Start being responsible for your actions and be the friend, lover,

… confidant, or helper without compromising your self-esteem.

Funny thing is that until not long ago I was a strong believer of…

… “one should have the night, before appreciating the daylight”.

I know this is valid in so many ways, especially with all the comforts we have today.

Don’t get me wrong, suffering might be necessary in order to elevate yourself.

Once you admit that you were wrong, you learn from your mistake and…

… you don’t repeat it, the suffering will be gone.

But… You don’t need to punish yourself to get what you deserve in your life.

You don’t need other people to tell you what’s good or bad for you,

… also, you don’t require their validation.

For everything that manifests in your life, you are responsible for, be it good or bad.

You’re worthy, even though you don’t really understand and feel it, yet.

You’ll be able to get out of ANYTHING if you believe that you can.

Just start moving forward, one small step after another.

Crawl if you have to.

But understand that you need to believe that you can and then take action.

Stop playing the victim role… It doesn’t suit you.

Yoga exercises for your heart chakra

I must admit that I was skeptical when it came to Yoga because…

… I didn’t fully understand it, I had misconceptions about it due to media,

… and mostly because I was too darn proud to get on the floor…

… and do some forward bends or cat poses.

By now I fully embrace the power of healing that it exerts.

I see more and more professional athletes that…

… started doing yoga exercises, in their 50s, or even 60s.

That’s not just a coincidence.

Ok, now that I got you intrigued here are some of my favorite asanas…

… good to open the heart chakra:

  • Uttanasana – forward bend
  • Gomukhasana – cow face
  • Bhujangasana – camel
  • Bhujangasana – cobra
  • Gomukhasana – fish
  • Marjaryasana – cat
  • Uttana Shishosana – puppy

Learn to laugh more often

Now that I think of it, there were times when I used to laugh all the time.

It didn’t matter how small or insignificant that thing was,

… I surely found something funny about it and burst into a good healthy laugh.

As we age and that luggage tends to accumulate,

… it’s getting harder to find something to laugh about.

It all narrows down to a simple choice after all.

You either choose to swim in a pool of self-pity or…

… you get the frack up and let that light shine from you.

Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.

– Eckhart Tolle

– Hmm… This Eckhart Tolle guy, must be onto something, huh?

With that being said, every time you feel down take a moment,

… step back and look at yourself, as a stranger would see you.

Most of the time I do that, I always find something to laugh about.

If that doesn’t work for you, force it by watching your favorite…

… stand-up comedian, comedy show, or cute cat jump fails on youtube.

Dive deep into nature

Walking in nature or simply sitting can be beneficial for your physical body…

… but also, for your energetic field.

As green is Anahata’s color, going out in nature, especially green forests,

… can help open your heart chakra.

In fact, there’s a term for it.

It’s called “forest bathing” and it comes from Japan where it is known as “Shinrin Yoku”.

Healing through the power of nature has been scientifically proven…

… by Nippon scientists from Tokyo who discovered that chemicals released by plants…

… called phytoncides (wood essential oils) can reinforce our immune system.

Include these foods in your diet

Heart chakra color is green, so I must eat green foods.

You’re absolutely right about that.

Green foods such as green fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Kiwi
  • Green apples
  • Pears
  • Green grapes
  • Avocados
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Peas
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Green cabbage
  • Zucchini
  • Celery

When and if possible, try to eat those raw and fresh.

Avoid any processed variant which might include any of the above.

Also, stay away from candied fruits.

Go creative!

You can make some delicious salads and smoothies from what I just listed above.

Start using more of the following herbs

Every person dedicated to health and wellbeing should have a special place for herbs,

… that he or she can use as spices or for brewing a soothing tea.

To name a few useful herbs for heart chakra healing:

  • Hawthorn berry
  • Jasmine
  • Lavender
  • Parsley
  • Sage
  • Rose
  • Chamomile
  • Basil

Every time I have the occasion, I recommend the Organic 4th Chakra Tea from Buddha Teas,

… an awesome tea blend made specifically for the fourth chakra, pure organic packed in 100% recycled material.

Tip – Do not consume fire

When preparing your favorite tea, try not to use boiling hot water.

In fact, it is recommended that you don’t apply more heat than the sun would normally deliver…

… to the plants you’re brewing.

I always heat the water for my teas to about 60-70 degrees Celsius,

… that is 140-158 degrees Fahrenheit.

You could also brew a tea by leaving the plants in water overnight.

The process it’s called cold maceration. Here’s how to do it:

  • Take one teaspoon of your favorite plant mix
  • Grind them manually or electrical, your choice
  • Place that fine plant powder into room temperature water
  • Leave the mix overnight
  • Or place it in a cool, dark place. Usually between 6 to 8 hours

And that’s it!

Make sure to filter it, and do not leave the plants in if you brew more than one portion.

This might take longer, but this is the best way to take advantage of all the healing properties of those plants.

Use essential oils to heal your heart chakra

Essential oils are mostly known for their aromatherapy benefits.

For that, you can either use a diffuser or…

… place the essential oil into a recipient on top of a flame, usually a candle.

By rubbing it on your skin (wrists) or your palms, you can achieve the same result.

This technique is commonly used before starting the meditation practice.

Essential oils can set the tone for a calm and relaxed environment in which…

… you can later practice meditation or simply enjoy the silence.

Here are some essential oils good for healing your heart chakra:

  • Rosewood
  • Rose
  • Marjoram
  • Neroli
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Jasmine
  • Lavender

Lavender essential oil is a universal oil because…

… it can be used in healing all seven chakras.

If you want to open your heart be sure to try at least one or two…

… from these simple ways to heal and open your heart chakra.

Sending love and gratitude,

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high.


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