What excellent marvels songs hold on our species. Just how exactly can something so plentiful that can be found in many styles and dynamics, and still have the ability to talk to that small place in every person’s heart?

Everybody you know has in some moment in their lives gotten in touch with someone, based entirely off the music they both had an interest in.

Music is such an essential part of how we perform, how we share our feelings in a less physical way.

Below you can find this article summary:

How music influences our mood

According to various researches, rhythm and tones are the elements which alter the most our feelings.

When we listen to a rhythm or beat, our heart will start to sync with it.

Slow heart beating typically stands for sadness and depression, whereas rapid heart beating connects to an enjoyable, positive mood.

The tone will impact the listener’s mood as well. It is similarly essential as rhythm.

A major music note represents delight and joyful emotion to our brain, where a minor music note represents anxiety, depression, and dullness.

Apart from human, research study reveals that music can influence the plants development as well.

According to scientific research, the outcome reveals that plants had much better development if they had music stimulation during growth than the plants without song stimulation.

This shows that music not only influences human feelings, it also impacts plants.

One of the earliest studies of the effect of music on plants was conducted in 1962 by Dr. T. C. Singh, Head of Botany at Annamalia University. He exposed balsam plants to classical music and found that their growth rate increased by 20% compared to a control group, along with a 72% increase in biomass. He then exposed crops to raga music over loudspeakers and found they yielded 25% – 60% more than the national average.[source]

How can you use the mood-boosting benefits of music?

Go for upbeat music in the morning to ease the awakening process.

Encourage your brain’s response to that “get up” you feel by playing easy and lively music, and also make sure to brighten up the room by letting some sunlight in.

You can lower your anxiety levels with the help of soothing music and meditation.

Anxiety, sadness, depression commonly work together feasting on each other to lower your mood.

Each day choose a specific time frame to meditate.

We all know that meditation is not something we all like and understand, that’s why it’s better to use some music during the process.

Rather than using the regular mp3s with soft rock, pop, classical or your preferred style, we could take advantage of the vibrations of certain notes. 

For this, you can choosedirected tones”. It’s been quite sometime now since people discovered the benefits of binaural beats.

The science behind binaural beats is that two tones of different frequencies are played at the same time on a separate audio channel.

For example, if your left ear registers a 200 Hz tone and the right ear registers 210 Hz, then the binaural beat will be 10 Hz (Hertz) which is the difference between the 2 frequencies (left audio channel corresponds to your left ear and the right audio channel to your right ear).

This is how you can use beta, alpha, theta, and delta waves to target different states of alertness with specific frequencies.

This is called brainwave entrainment and I talk more about it here.

You can find many binaural beats on YouTube, some specially made for the area of your interest.

For the ultimate experience with binaural beats, headphones are recommended.

Here are some examples related to our topic:

I know that meditation is not something standard that you can apply the same way to each person.

Some consider meditation sitting in a lotus position with their palms facing up preferably in a quiet place.

For some meditation is achieved, even though most don’t realize it, when listening to their favorite song for one, two, five times.

Don’t get me wrong. Music is good, especially if it makes you jump and dance all around but do not overdo it by listening to fast-paced music (high tempo).

The quickened heartbeat will start to produce a vague message of anxiety to your brain.

Try to take advantage of it by using it wisely.

How musical notes affects your chakras

Quantum physics states that our body is just a wave of energy or vibration.

Our body has 7 separate energy vortexes called chakras.

These are positioned along the spinal cord and each corresponds to different organs and glands within the body.

Well, not all, the seventh (Crown) chakra is more spiritual.

Now, if any of these chakras becomes unbalanced, it will draw out disruptions in our body which consequently will draw out various illnesses.

A lot of the stress birthed illness, sleeping disorder, fear and many more produces a discrepancy in the harmony of these chakras.

The 7 energy cores within our body or chakras each have their corresponding frequency, and specific tones have the vibrational power to tap into those chakra frequencies, balancing and harmonizing it during the process.

Another beneficial aspect is that these musical notes trigger certain emotional states related to the respective chakra strengthening the positive emotions and gets rid of negative ones.

What are the 7 chakras, what are the chakra frequencies, notes and colors?

Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having its own function and character, contributes to the whole.


Below I’ve detailed which musical note corresponds to each chakra, as well as chakra frequency, color, and its meaning.

1st chakra or Root – “I Am” – Muladhara.

Also called the Base chakra it’s associated with basic trust, stability, ambition, drive. It grounds a person’s energy in the physical dimension and balances experiences that create “fight or flight”. Root chakra color is Red and its musical note is C.

2nd chakra or Sacral – “I Feel” – Svadhishthana.

Also called the Sexual chakra it’s associated with creativity, relationship, sexuality, and reproduction. Sacral chakra color is Orange and its musical note is D.

3rd chakra or Solar Plexus – “I Do” – Manipura.

It is associated with emotions (especially blocked emotions), the ability to protect against negative and aggressive emotions, power, passion, will. Solar Plexus chakra color is Yellow and its musical note is E.

4th chakra or Heart – “I Love” – Anahata.

The fourth chakra is associated with empathy, compassion, friendship, the ability to give and receive love. Hearth chakra color is Green and its musical note is F. Due to its relation to sending out love from the heart, you may find this chakra shown as pink color.

5th chakra or Throat – “I Speak” – Vishuddha.

It’s associated with communication, inspiration, expression, speaking the truth. Throat chakra color is Azure Blue and its musical note is G.

6th chakra or Third Eye – “I See” – Ajna.

It is associated with visualization, intuition, inner vision, awareness, charisma. Third Eye chakra color is Dark Indigo Blue and its musical note is A.

7th chakra or Crown – “I Understand” – Sahasrara.

Also called the Head chakra, it’s associated with highest spirituality, wisdom, cosmic awareness, divine connection. Crown chakra color is Violet and its musical note is B.

How can you balance chakras with the help of sounds?

Healing your chakras or learning how to unblock chakras, can be approached in a wide variety of ways. For this article purpose I’m only going to mention the ones that make use of the power of sounds.

Meditation for chakra balancing

Choose your preferred quiet spot and sit in a comfortable position.

A good idea is to include all 7 chakras in your meditation and start from the Root chakra and work your way up towards Sahasrara.

You do this by picturing a Red glowing light that spins around its center, like a sphere.

Synchronize the glow, that movement of the orb, with your breathing rhythm.

The glowing spinning sphere will have the corresponding chakra color.

So, for Muladhara the glowing orb will be Red and as you move up, it will change its color to Orange (Svadhishthana), then Yellow (Manipura) and so on.

As you progress through each of the seven chakras, observe whether any region feels unpleasant.

Recognizing any blockage

Additionally, you might observe some problems in visualizing the movement of any of the revolving glowing orbs.

If that happens, you have actually located a blockage, congestion of that particular chakra.

Continuously concentrating your focus on this location can aid rebalance it.

Position your hand on the affected location first.

After that visualize its negativity fading away.

Think of the Universe flooding progressively with intense vivid light the blocked chakra.

Alternate visualizations require intentionally boosting the glowing orb rotation speed for the respective chakra.

If the chakra is considerably blocked, this might take some time and focus.

You may discover chakra balancing meditation to be significantly better when you combine it with mantras or chakra affirmations (below).

If your whereabouts does not allow it or you don’t feel comfortable pronouncing these mantras out loud, you can take advantage of binaural beats music, specially designed for chakra healing.

Here are some that might help you focus:

Chakra vowels and affirmations

Chakra mantras are sounds that you repeat in a chanted form in order to reinforce a positive message about healing.

Below you can find the mantras for each chakra; make sure that you elongate each one.

Like meditation, this should also be done in a quiet place of your choice or in nature while sitting in a comfortable position.

Mantras or vowels

Below, I am going to spell phonetically each mantra so that you know how to pronounce it.

For example, by elongating “Laahm” you should pronounce something like “Laaaaaaaa…..hm”.

  • Root chakra: Laahm
  • Sacral chakra: Vaahm
  • Solar Plexus chakra: Raahm
  • Heart chakra: Yaahm
  • Throat chakra: Haahm
  • Third Eye chakra: Ohmm
  • Crown chakra: Thoughtful silence

Chakra affirmations

If you’re here I can assume that affirmations are not something new to you and you recognize their true power.

Feel free to design your own chakra healing affirmations that include words or sentences that are in congruence with your personal goals or recognized blockages.

Here are some examples to offer inspiration and aid you get started making your own chakra affirmations:

Root chakra affirmations

  • “I am filled with humility. I am enough as I am.”
  • “I am disciplined.”
  • “I feel my root chakra unblocking and inviting positive change.”
  • “I am grounded and connected to the earth.”
  • “I am connected to my body.”
  • “I let go of my past.

Sacral chakra affirmations

  • “I am creative, loving, and passionate about life.”
  • “I value and respect my body.”
  • “I feel good about my body.”
  • “I am both sensitive and strong.”
  • “I am balanced. I know when to act, and I know when to wait.”
  • “I embrace my sexuality and sensuality.”

Solar Plexus chakra affirmations

  • “I am driven, successful and will what I want to be.”
  • “I choose love, light, and healing.”
  • “I accept myself completely. I accept that I have strengths, and I accept that I have weaknesses.”
  • “I accept that I am learning and growing.”
  • “I create my own life.”
  • “I am proud of myself and my achievements.”

Heart chakra affirmations

  • “I am compassionate and exude unconditional love.”
  • “I work to unblock my heart chakra and move on from my pain.”
  • “I love and appreciate myself as I am.”
  • “I am filled with courage.”
  • “I forgive myself and others.”
  • “I surrender and let go of fear.”

Throat chakra affirmations

  • “I live in truth and clearly communicate with others.”
  • “My throat chakra is balancing, and my words are becoming clearer.”
  • “I am learning, and I am growing. We are all learning and growing.”
  • “I am filled with the power of the spirit.”
  • “I express myself clearly and in a healthy way.”
  • “I live an authentic life and have integrity.”

Third Eye chakra affirmations

  • “I always see the reality in every situation through universal consciousness.”
  • “I unblock my third eye chakra, clarifying my vision and my intuition.”
  • “I am a wise decision-maker.”
  • “I am in touch with my inner guidance.”
  • “All that I need is within me.”
  • “I learn from the challenges in my life, they are spiritual lessons.”

Crown chakra affirmations

  • “Everything is connected.”
  • “I am connected to the wisdom of the universe.”
  • “I am one with the divine.”
  • “I feel at one with nature.”
  • “I let go, and I trust the process of life.”
  • “I am filled with greatness.”

We’re living challenging times and starting to know more about your health and spirituality might be a good idea.

Be safe, love you all.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!