Before we venture into the introduction to crystals and stones for third eye chakra healing, let’s first look at what is the third eye chakra.

Along the spinal cord, there are seven individual energy cores called chakras, and among these seven energy cores, the third eye chakra is the 6th core.

The third eye chakra is one of the three more spiritual chakras and it is responsible for reality, instinct, thought, and awareness.

Its traditional name is Ajna, which in Sanskrit means “perceiving” or “command”.

This makes a lot of sense since the third eye governs how you perceive the world.

If you want to know more about the third eye chakra, head over here:

How to use the crystals and stones for third eye chakra healing

The best method is by placing the respective crystal or stone over your energy points, such as chakras.

But, having most stones aesthetically pleasing it’s very easy to wear them as jewelry.

Bracelets (beads, chips) or pendants being the most popular because these locations place them over your vital pulse points.

You could choose the more discreet approach by wearing them as rings or earrings.

Another way to use crystals and stones for third eye chakra healing is to place them in key locations inside your living environment.

For example, on your desk or near you while doing meditation. Also, you could place them in the main four corners of your room.

Crystal water bottle

Another method to use these stones and gems is the crystal water bottle. 

There are many options to choose from on the market, but if you’re a DIY fan you can make one yourself.

Have your preferred crystal placed inside a glass bottle and then fill that bottle with fresh water. Ideally, you should allow some time to pass before consuming it.

That way you allow the crystal to revitalize and restructure (energetically) your drink(s).

Nowadays, it’s easier and cheaper to artificially produce crystals, stones and gems. Not saying that man-made crystals are not efficient, but if you do that choose some that have a little life prior to their shelf life.

That’s why I insist on always choosing to use natural crystals and stones since most of them are widespread and relatively cheap.

By doing so, you can be sure that those crystals and stones are very well charged.

Take Amber for example which is believed to be millions of years old. Imagine what kind of powerful energies this stone can hold.

Choose the properties, not the package.

So, to recap here is how you can use these crystals:

  • Worn as jewelry
  • Placed on vital points on your body – chakra stones
  • Used in key locations inside your living environment
  • Inside a crystal water bottle

Here are some basic usage tips for crystals and stones for third eye chakra healing:

  • Avoid combining soft and hard stones during wearing. For example, amber is very soft, while hematite is very hard.
  • Do not spray or use any beauty products on them.
  • Do not wear them during sunbathing. Heat can alter their appearance and properties.
  • To be washed regularly with room temperature water and mild soap. Do not use detergents or other cleaning products.
  • Clean and dry them with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid exposing them to extreme temperature variations, especially from very cold to very hot.
  • Take them off when going for a bath in swimming pools and/or ocean/sea. Swimming pool water has a lot of chlorine and ocean/seawater is salty, both can alter your crystals.
  • It goes without saying but try not to wear them during workouts. Sweat can cause corrosion.

Not all stones can be washed!

Please make sure that you can expose them to water before cleaning with water.

For example, Angelite turns to gypsum when it comes in contact with water.

Awesome! Now that you have a piece of basic knowledge on how to use, wear and care, let’s dive into crystals and stones for third eye chakra healing.


Amethyst is a purple type of quartz and its color is due to irradiation, iron impurities, and in some cases other transition metals.

The name holds an interesting story; it comes from the Greek word “améthystos” which roughly translates into not intoxicate.

Ancient Greeks believed that carving drinking vessels from amethyst will prevent drunkenness.

You can use both real and lab-grown Amethyst, as long as you don’t buy colored glass.

The Amethyst is the perfect crystal for any spiritual seekers, as it represents spiritual awakening and spiritual growth.

This crystal emotional healing power can assist you to traverse tight spots and also allow you recognize what it truly is you are addressing.

It will help you to make it through tough decisions as easily as possible.

Beware of fake!

Even though Amethyst can be found abundantly all over the world and also it can be lab-grown, there are still some fake ones such as purple-colored glass.

You can find below the Amethyst’s metaphysical properties:

  • Among the most powerful crystals for psychic protection
  • Opens up a connection with the Divine
  • Protects against negative entities when astral traveling
  • Connects the physical plane with the higher realm
  • Removes and repairs any openings in the aura
  • Reinforces hope, purpose, and freedom
  • Bonds the physical being with the soul
  • Provides calmness, balance, and peace
  • Helps you keep a clear mind and not let emotions cloud your judgment

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Aries, Aquarius, Pisces


Iolite or Cordierite is a magnesium iron aluminum cyclosilicate.

The name Iolite comes from the Greek word “ios” which means violet. This mineral was also known as Dichroite that in Greek means “two-colored rock”.

Cordierite naming comes from the French geologist Louis Cordier who discovered it in 1813, Nijar, Almeria – Spain.

Vikings used it to find the direction of the sun in those thick mist days and for that reason, Iolite was referred to as the Viking’s Compass.

Cordierite is a powerful visualization stone that aids you to see the unseen and brings back into the light lost aspects of the true self.

It is one of the best stones to have near you when you’re searching for spiritual healing.

Iolite has the ability to calm your thoughts and enhance your intuition.

You can find below the Iolite metaphysical properties:

  • Opens the connection to higher realms
  • Promotes inner peace
  • Eliminates the fear of the unknown
  • Assists in inducing third-eye visualizations
  • Keeps you aware, present in the moment
  • Enhances your creativity and stimulates your memory
  • Keeps strong emotions at bay and releases any stress or anxiety

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius


Fluorite or fluorspar is the mineral form of calcium fluoride and it exhibits colors like purple, yellow, clear, blue, green, pink or any combination of these.

The word fluorite comes from the Latin “fluere”, which means to flow.

Nowadays, it describes the crystal’s ability called fluorescence because it glows under ultraviolet light.

In ancient Chinese culture, Fluorite was used for its ability to bring about lucid dreams.

Fluorite will aid you to identify when external forces are trying to influence your actions or thoughts.

It removes the fog of illusion and brings order to chaotic thoughts in order to manifest purification and harmony.

To achieve better results in Third-Eye chakra balancing, use the blue and purple Fluorite.

You can find below the Fluorite metaphysical properties:

  • Boosts intuitive abilities
  • Purges the Aura of any negative energy
  • Allows you to release the free spirit from within
  • Activates both sides of your brain, functioning in perfect harmony
  • Can shield you from the electromagnetic fog
  • Brings mental clarity
  • Enhances psychic awareness

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Capricorn, Pisces


Lepidolite - crystals and stones for third eye chakra healing

Lepidolite is a lilac-gray or rose-colored mica mineral.

This is the ideal stone to help women balance their emotions, soothe the heart, and lower stress.

The Lepidolite is filled with positive vibrations of tranquility.

It can help you realize the reasons behind negative life experiences.

You can find below the Lepidolite metaphysical properties:

  • Removes blockages that limit spiritual growth
  • Balances mood swings
  • Lowers obsessive thought patterns
  • Brings inner peace
  • Aids you identify your real meaning in life
  • Helps you deal with problems that are paining or limiting on a psychic level

Beware of fake Lepidolite crystals!

Same as Tanzanite, Lepidolite is very rare and thus prone to counterfeiting.

The fun part is that some Amethysts look almost identical with Lepidolite and you’ll end up with the wrong stone/crystal.

But at least Amethyst is also a third-eye chakra crystal.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Libra


Tanzanite - crystals and stones for third eye chakra healing

Tanzanite is a blue and violet variety of the zoisite mineral which is a calcium aluminum hydroxyl sorosilicate. The coloration is caused by small amounts of vanadium.

It is also known as Blue Zoisite and to obtain the blue coloration minerals undergo heat treatments.

Blue Zoisite will help you discover yourself on a deeper level.

Also, Tanzanite can help you develop a connection between your mind and higher realms.

You can find below the Tanzanite metaphysical properties:

  • Encourages you to harness your inner strength
  • Gives a strong sense of self-control
  • Promotes tranquility
  • Aids in developing psychic abilities
  • Boosts your intuition and psychic communication

Beware of fake ones!

Tanzanite is very rare and even though has never been replicated in a lab, unfortunately, imitations are available on the market.

These imitations use materials such as cubic zirconia, synthetic spinel, yttrium aluminum garnet, or colored glass.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Sagittarius


Pietersite - crystals and stones for third eye chakra healing

Pietersite is a type of quartz comprised naturally of Tiger’s Eye, Hawk’s Eye and Jasper and exhibits deep dark blue, grey, and brown stained with dominant gold hues.

This crystal will provide you the power to handle the truth, harness the willpower to change all aspects that you can and accept those you cannot.

It has the ability to make you find a new direction best suited to take you further down your individual journey.

You can find below the Pietersite metaphysical properties:

  • Eliminates emotional blockages
  • Facilitates access to Akashic records
  • Stimulates precognitive thoughts, psychic visions, telepathy
  • Helps release negative energies and cleanses the Aura
  • Encourages letting go of thoughts, fears, and beliefs that cause pain
  • Shields against emotional attacks
  • Connects the physical with the spiritual
  • Attracts good fortune

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo, Aquarius


Ametrine or Trystine or Bolivianite, is a naturally occurring type of quartz with zones of purple and yellow-orange color.

If you didn’t realize it yet after reading its name, Ametrine is a mix of two quartz crystals, Amethyst and Citrine.

With this unique combination, I must point out that Ametrine is a unique natural crystal that links very physical and earthy energy, Citrine, with one that has strong spiritual energy, Amethyst.

Ametrine provides purification healing qualities and promotes creativity through expression.

Since it combines the energies of two crystals and those two also being quartz which adds a heap load of energy, it’s not always recommended to mix Ametrine with other stones or crystals.

A safe bet here would be clear quartz that can be mixed with any other stone.

Clear Quartz acts as an amplifier, so if you feel like your Ametrine needs a boost, this will be a good choice.

You can find below the Ametrine metaphysical properties:

  • Strengthens the connection between the physical and astral bodies
  • Enhances speaking fluency and articulation
  • Promotes lateral thinking and creativity
  • Stimulates the intellect and spiritual enlightenment

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Gemini, Libra, Pisces


Labradorite, or Spectrolite, or Rainbow Moonstone is a feldspar mineral that can exhibit an iridescent effect.

It was named after the place where it was first found, Labrador, Canada.

Normal Labradorite has a blue color or lavender blue but usually comes in colors of grey-white, green, with stains of gold, and different shades of blue and iridescent blue.

Labradorite is the stone of transformation because it will aid you to become the person you’re destined to be.

Another useful ability of Labradorite is that it can increase your sixth sense range while maintaining you safe and grounded in the present.

You can find below the Labradorite metaphysical properties:

  • Stimulates creative expression
  • Enhances will and intuition
  • Facilitates the connection with the higher self and the divine
  • Cleanses your aura
  • Stimulates your imagination, creativity, lucid dreaming
  • Lifts insecurities about life
  • Provides the strength to see the true worth of your purpose

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius


Azurite - crystals and stones for third eye chakra healing

Azurite is a soft, deep blue copper mineral obtained by weathering copper ore deposits.

This is one of those stones that you wouldn’t want to wear as jewelry even though there are methods to cold manufacture pieces of jewelry with it.

The main reason for this is that Amazonite loses its color when exposed to heat or sunlight – it turns irreversibly black.

That’s why you should be extra careful with this particular stone.

Azurite will prevent you from becoming entangled in fear or hesitancy, specifically when you’re facing emotional or spiritual choices.

It can also stimulate the throat chakra by helping you verbalize efficiently any psychic phenomena that you’ve experienced.

That’s why many recommend Azurite as being also a throat chakra stone.

You can find below the Azurite metaphysical properties:

  • Encourages self-expression
  • Helps overcome inferiority complexes
  • Reduces fear and phobias
  • Aids you distinguish the truth
  • Promotes intellectual curiosity
  • Eliminates energy blockages
  • Strengthens the connection with the divine
  • Enhances visions experienced during meditation

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn

What are zodiac birthstones?

Zodiac birthstones, aka Astral birthstones, are based on astrological signs.

Unlike modern birthstones which are related to your calendar birth month, zodiac birthstones are related to your astrological sign.

What you saw above, under each crystal is the attribution of the respective gem with the zodiac sign(s).

Thank you for reading this far.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!
