As part of my long wish, the introduction to stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing is one of the three foundation bricks upon which you can then start building your energetic body development.

The second chakra or the sacral chakra is the center of your creativity, passion, and sensuality. It’s the center of your pleasure, whether sensual or through your everyday life experiences.

The sacral chakra, or by its Sanskrit name Svadhishthana, is the center of power and the center of passion.

If you want to know more about the sacral chakra head over here:

How to use the stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing

The best method is by placing the respective crystal or stone over your energy points, such as chakras.

But, having the majority of stones aesthetically pleasing it’s very easy to wear them as jewelry.

Bracelets or pendants being the most popular because these locations place the stones over your vital pulse points.

You could choose the more discreet approach by wearing them as rings or earrings.

Crystals and stones could be placed in key locations inside your living environment.

For example, you could place them on your desk or near you while doing meditation. Also, you could place them in the main four corners of your room.

There are some stones, like Orange Calcite, for example, that can be placed under your pillow. Doing so will ward off nightmares.

Another method to use these stones and gems is the crystal or gem water bottle.  

There are many options to choose from on the market, but if you’re a DIY fan you can make one yourself.

Have your preferred crystal placed inside a glass bottle and then fill that bottle with fresh water. Ideally, you should allow a small period of time to pass before consuming it.

That way you allow the crystal water bottle to revitalize and restructure your drink(s).

Nowadays, it’s easier and cheaper to artificially produce crystals, stones and gems. Not saying that man-made crystals are not efficient, but if you do that choose some that have a little life prior to their shelf life.

That’s why I insist on always choosing to use natural crystals and stones since most of them are widespread and relatively cheap.

By doing so, you can be sure that those gems and stones are very well charged.

Take Amber for example which is believed to be millions of years old. Imagine what kind of powerful energies this stone can hold.

Choose the properties, not the package.

So, to recap here is how you can use stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing:

  • Can be worn as jewelry
  • Placed on vital points on your body – chakra stones
  • Used in key locations inside your living environment
  • Inside a crystal water bottle

Here are some basic usage tips:

  • Avoid combining soft and hard stones. For example, amber is very soft, while hematite is very hard.
  • Do not spray or use any beauty products on them.
  • Do not wear them during sunbathing.
  • To be washed regularly with room temperature water and mild soap. Do not use detergents or other cleaning products.
  • Clean and dry them with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid exposing them to extreme temperature variations, especially from very cold to very hot.
  • Take them off when going for a bath in swimming pools and/or ocean/sea. Swimming pool water has a lot of chlorine and ocean/seawater is salty, both can alter your crystals.
  • It goes without saying but try not to wear them during workouts. Sweat can cause corrosion.

Not all stones can be washed!

Please make sure that you can expose them to water before cleaning with water.

For example, Angelite turns to gypsum when it comes in contact with water.

Ok, now that you have an idea about usage, let’s see the best crystals for sacral chakra healing.

Orange (Peach) Moonstone

Moonstone is a sodium potassium aluminum silicate of the feldspars group that exhibits a pearly and opalescent metallic iridescence. Feldspars are a group of rock-forming minerals that make up about forty-one percent of the Earth’s crust.

Moonstone crystal colors vary from pink, peach (orange), yellow, gray, brown, green, all the way to blue.

This crystal’s a fertility talisman that prioritizes gentleness and emotional stability. It improves love in relationships and intuition.

Peach moonstone is a lovely crystal for women because of its affiliation with the lunar cycle and femininity and is a marvelous gem if worn as a necklace. It is also the stone of eroticism and love.

Below are the peach moonstone’s metaphysical properties:

  • Raises your vibration
  • Helps you see the positive side in all situations
  • Makes you feel safe when exposing yourself, both physically and emotionally
  • Enhances self-expression
  • Improves fertility and promotes ease during pregnancy and after childbirth

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Pisces

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger's Eye - stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing

Tiger’s Eye is a chatoyant gemstone that is a metamorphic rock belonging to the quartz group and it has a golden to red-brown color with a silky lustre.

From all stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing, this stone is a great energy amplifier of any other crystal or stone that it comes in contact with.

A good example would be to combine Tiger’s Eye with another quartz, like Citrine.

The Tiger’s Eye crystal embodies the strength and fearlessness of the tiger, which is more important than the lion in eastern cultures.

By wearing it on you, it can provide you with the courage and self-confidence to tackle anything that comes in your way.

It offers a smooth vibration that is excellent for focusing, grounding, and balancing. Tiger’s Eye is known to safeguard from the ‘evil eye’ and fend off evil spirits.

You can use the tiger’s eye under your pillow during sleep so that messages and visions coming through dreams are clearer.

Below are the tiger’s eye metaphysical properties:

  • Conveys clear thinking and insight
  • Gives confidence and optimism
  • Enhances your feeling of self-worth
  • Defends against other’s ill wishes
  • Provides strength and vitality
  • Aids with mental disorders such as manic depression
  • Release fears and anxieties

Tiger’s Eye is an excellent stone for balancing and opening all three base chakras – Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Capricorn

Orange Calcite

Calcite is a carbonate mineral and the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate. Its coloration can be white, yellow, red, orange, blue, green, gray, or brown.

Orange calcite is frequently used for out-of-body experiences and for channeling so that the traveler can remember the experiences when returning to the physical body.

This stone is a powerful energy cleanser and amplifier. It will improve all the traits you possess and wipe out any ‘contamination’ present in both your physical and energetic body.

Some healers use orange calcite along with iron pyrite in order to help treat the reproductive system. It can be also beneficial to your calcium intake and assimilation.

Below are the orange calcite metaphysical properties:

  • It can enhance your vitality, sexual energy, and your self-healing abilities
  • Helps create emotional intelligence
  • Restores balance between your female and male energies
  • Aids to disperse fear, depression, and anxiety
  • Awakens sexuality and creativity energies
  • Increases intuition
  • Avert nightmares if placed under the pillow
  • Eliminates lethargic energy
  • Very effective against laziness; helps you take action

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Cancer, Leo

Orange Carnelian

Carnelian is a variety of silica minerals chalcedony colored by impurities of iron oxide.

Long prized in ancient times, carnelian is an exceptional stone of fertility.

Additionally, called the stone of motivation, creativity, endurance, leadership, and courage, carnelian crystal has the power to drive you onward against all odds.

Orange carnelian is known for complementing your inner voice and boosting your confidence to counter self-doubt.

You can find below the orange carnelian metaphysical properties:

  • Assists in breaking down emotional worries and limitations
  • Reinforces originality
  • Motivates the expression of love and sustains the pureness of the heart
  • Enhances focus
  • Inhibits egoism and develops good values
  • Assists battle negative thoughts and depression

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Aries


Amber - stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing

Amber is a fossilized tree resin and there are five classes defined based on their chemical constituents.

In the realm of stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing, Amber is a favorite crystal to transmute all negative energy and aid in dispersing depression.

Due to its highly protective nature and its ability to absorb negative energies, you’ll need to clean it regularly.

Many use amber to get rid of fears, acquire patience and wisdom and even calm bodily aches.

You can find below the amber metaphysical properties:

  • Elevates life force energies
  • Encourages letting go of the past
  • Superb crystal for removing self-imposed barriers
  • Calms the mind and is an excellent aid in meditation
  • Balances feelings and emotions

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces

Tangerine Quartz

Tangerine Quartz - stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing

Tangerine quartz is a silicon dioxide mineral of the quartz family where moisture and hematite create a rusty tangerine color that coats the surface of the quartz.

This crystal works well with the sacral chakra by supporting the creativity and acceptance of changes and transitions in life.

Moreover, it will aid to put the past behind you.

This is the crystal of perseverance and strength.

You can find below the tangerine quartz metaphysical properties:

  • Encourages self-appreciation
  • Activates the flow of creativity
  • A great crystal for helping you focus
  • Protects you from self-sabotaging thoughts
  • Aids you heal from psychic attacks
  • Supports a sense of compassion and forgiveness

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo, Libra

Orange (Peach) Aventurine

Aventurine is a form of quartz, distinguished by its translucency and the presence of tiny mineral inclusions of hematite or mica that give a glistening effect known as aventurescence or aventurization.

The usual color of aventurine is green, but it can also be found as orange, brown, yellow, blue, or grey.

Orange or peach aventurine aids motivate creative thinking as well as imagination by breaking down blockages and enabling energy to flow.

This crystal might additionally help in the recovery of sexual traumas that dwell in the Sacral area.

If you experience self-worth issues, orange aventurine is a great crystal to use for healing.

Below are some of the most common metaphysical properties of orange aventurine:

  • Great nerve-calming and emotions stabilizer
  • Brings inner balance
  • Draws good luck
  • Balances the feminine and masculine energy
  • Boosts your intellect and mental clarity
  • Diminishes any type of critical self-talk

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo


Sunstone is a framework silicate mineral within the feldspar group. When viewed from certain angles it exhibits an aventurescence (a glistening effect).

It is a stone of divine masculine energy and as a perfect complementary stone to Moonstone, Sunstone incorporates the Yang half of the Yin Yang duality.

Regardless of your gender, you can use this crystal to develop and enhance your masculine side.

This stone is all about self-empowerment, freedom and independence and it will remind you that you’re doing a good job working on shaping your life.

So, if you need a stimulant to keep working hard to achieve your dreams, Sunstone is a great companion.

You can find below the sunstone’s metaphysical properties:

  • Stimulates sexual energy
  • Provides extra energy when feeling ill or stressed
  • Fosters personal power of attraction for manifestation
  • Magnifies the physical body vitality
  • Useful in cutting ties with other people
  • Strengthens your commitment

Tip: Sunstone is best used in the light of the sun.

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Leo, Libra


Goldstone - stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing

Goldstone is a type of glittering glass formed in a low-oxygen atmosphere. Yes, Goldstone is a man-made colored glass that contains flat-faced, highly reflective inclusions.

It is produced in a variety of colors from reddish-brown, its original color, to dark green, dark blue, and dark purple. The glittery appearance is attributed to bits of copper that have been added to the glass.

Throughout history, various names were attributed to goldstone such as Monk’s stone, Monkgold, Stellaria, Gold Flux, or Gold Star Glass.

For sacral chakra healing choose the orange one.

By working with goldstone regularly, it will give you the courage and ambition to live fully in your skin, to be your true self and love every day with your heart filled with joy.

Goldstone is thought to be the stone of aspiration and ambition.

You can find below the goldstone metaphysical properties:

  • Excellent money charm
  • Aids in achieving goals
  • Entices home prosperity
  • Determines a positive attitude
  • Helps overcome depression

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Sagittarius

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian - stones and crystals for sacral chakra healing

Snowflake obsidian is a variation of obsidian and is formed when the felsic lava rapidly cools down with very minimum crystal growth.

The white patches resembling snowflakes, that give this crystal its name are called phenocrysts.

Snowflake Obsidian is well known for its capability to absorb and shield from any negativity that comes from within or outside the wearer.

It aids in uncovering the things buried deep in the unconscious mind, therefore this is a great stone for introverts.

The snowflake obsidian is a stone of pureness. It signifies the need to frequently clear your body, mind and soul of toxins that can hinder the free flow of positive energy.

You can find below the snowflake obsidian metaphysical properties:

  • Heals and clears energy blockages
  • Supports the balancing of the mind, body, and soul
  • Balance the mind and body by placing it between the thumb and index finger
  • Offers adaptability during change
  • Purges the mind
  • Great stone for past life work

Zodiac birthstone to:

  • Capricorn, Virgo

What are zodiac birthstones?

Zodiac birthstones, aka Astral birthstones, are based on astrological signs.

Unlike modern birthstones which are related to your calendar birth month, zodiac birthstones are related to your astrological sign.

What you saw above, under each crystal is the attribution of the respective gem with the zodiac sign(s).

Thank you for reading this far.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!
