So, you set your intents, practiced meditation, crafted a vision board…

… basically, you’ve begun the work required within, and still…

… you’re wondering why aren’t your dreams materializing?

Hey! You’re not alone in this.

In fact, going through ups and downs on your manifestation journey is absolutely normal.

Eventually, you’ll bump into blockages that will challenge your journey ahead…

… but try to see these as opportunities or, as I like to call these blockages, calibration stations.

You stop in this station to adjust your energetic alignment and synchronize with your soul…

… and when you’re ready you will depart.

Let’s look at the most common blocks that inhibit the flow of abundance.

And after that, we’ll see what can be done to unblock the flow of abundance.

Habits that keep your abundance flow blocked

These blockages are very powerful, because of their deep roots.

The ironic part is that some of these are carved in our subconscious from an early age…

… and we habitually do without even realizing it.

I’m not worth it

Taking into consideration that an essential part of manifesting is believing in something prior to its reveal…

… it’s obvious that if don’t consider yourself worthy of what you want…

… you’ll simply block its manifestation.

By continuing to discredit yourself you’ll be like a beacon emitting waves that…

… fend off all the things that you wish for.

I don’t have…

A very powerful and also dangerous block for many of us.

This is why.

By focusing on what you truly want, you may not realize how much energy…

… is resonating with the feeling of lack, of not having it.

Whenever you long for something, compare your life to somebody else’s or…

… go through the mill internally for not yet accomplishing your desires…

… you are vibrating at the frequency of lack.

I’m in the current situation because of my external environment

One more popular blockage sitting in the path of abundance is the victim mindset.

When you feel like the world is treating you unjustly, that some individuals have it much easier…

… or you feel like somehow, you’re being punished by the universe…

… you maintain abundance far from you.

Of course, you might have a real sorrow for a good reason, yet the reality is…

… that you need to be accountable for your energy, no matter what.

Also, you must be responsible for every little thing that takes place in your life, be it good or bad.

These three together can be a strong blockage when it comes to money.

I talk more about subconscious money blocks in this article.

Rituals that will help unblock the spring of your greatest potential

Or we can simply call these, unblock abundance routines.

Before we’ll look at how we can combat these negative thoughts…

… I need to make sure you truly understand the power of thought.

The thought of something negative is 4 to 7 times more powerful than a positive thought.

If you express it verbally it 10Xes becoming 40 to 70 times more powerful.

Negative thinking reduces your creativity, decreases your performance by increasing errors…

… and, it facilitates and/or amplifies diseases. Just to name a few important aspects.

Don’t believe me, just try researching how negative thinking impacts our lives.

Express an awareness of what you think and try to counteract any negative thoughts…

… with a positive one. If it doesn’t work, verbalize that positive thought out loud!

So, be careful what you think, because soon those thoughts will become your words…

… and your words will become your actions.

You will receive, what you’ll believe

 “I’m not worth it” … Really?

Yes, you are worth it!

Quit attempting to please everyone. Just, stop doing that.

We’re all actors on this stage called life, trying to please each person we interact with…

… like somehow, we’re on a spell we couldn’t break.

You don’t need another person to tell you what you can or can’t do either.

In other words, stop looking for validation.

Instead, try following your heart, your inner voice…

Listen to that voice!


… is an outstanding method to improve your self-confidence.

Because in that silent reflection you tap into your raw essence and reinforce your feeling of self.

Write lists…

… of your positive elements, daily.

Make the aware choice to change negative self-talk with kind and caring words.

Use affirmations like:

  • I am enough”,
  • I believe in my skills and abilities”,
  • I love the person I am becoming”,

every time you need it.

Take advantage of the power of spoken thought and verbalize it out loud.

Say it until you start to believe it.

It’s not about bragging or pride…

… it is about you realizing that you have something wonderful to offer.

Let go – shift your attention and appreciate what’s in front of you.

Ok, so what can you do?

The answer is very simple. Be grateful!

This is the easiest way to shift from the state of “I don’t have” …

… into a state of presence, where you focus on what is present in your life.

Be grateful for:

  • every single day that you benefited from on this earth
  • your health
  • the smiles of your neighbors
  • the sunlight
  • your relationship, family, kids
  • every time your car starts and for every time you’re able to pay for groceries

We take too many things for granted.

Now, more than ever, we should appreciate more the little things.

Instead of being jealous, angry, or judgmental towards others’ success…

… choose to be inspired and motivated by their achievements.

This is the moment where you start to grow.

Take the steering wheel and be what you want to receive or have

The sooner you realize that…

Life doesn’t happen to you. Life happens FOR you!

… the faster you’ll be able to get out of that victim mindset.

If you want peace, be peaceful.

You’re longing for forgiveness? Practice forgiving.

Do you want to be loved? Be loving.

Craving for happiness? Be happy; it starts with you.

You need to show up for yourself, also take command of the aspects that you can control.

By doing this you’re holding yourself accountable for your saga.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can start rewriting your story now!

Be the energy that you want to receive!

Write this down if you like, but be sure to recall it every time you feel you’re lacking something.

I know that this is hard, but if you truly want to change your life and live abundantly…

… you need to change the way you think.

Try to avoid overcomplicating things in your self-discovery journey.

Complexity is the enemy of execution, that’s why you should keep it simple.

Small and simple steps, done consistently.

Obliterate any negative thought with a positive one.

And if you see it doesn’t work, try saying it out loud.

Here, try saying this almost like a mantra:

I have to stop saying negative things out loud!

Say it long enough and you’ll start seeing how soon you’ll begin to realize…

… that you need to eliminate any source of negativity from inside and outside of you.

Stay true to your cause,

You are worthy!

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high,
