Try to keep an open mind while reading this and basically any article out there addressing money blocks.

Negative beliefs like the ones listed below are engraved in our subconscious mind from an early age…

… and that’s why it’s going to be hard to overcome them.

You won’t be able to erase them, but with practice and an open mind, you’ll learn how to accept them and…

… overwrite them with positive beliefs, every time you feel like you’re slipping.

I have them, you have them, we all have money blocks.

Let’s clear the fog around the term “money blocks” first.

I will not complicate it with various definitions, but instead, I will try to put it simply.

“Money blocks” are any negative subconscious beliefs about money/cash/cheese/moolah.

These limiting beliefs prevent you from achieving your conscious desires.

Money is 80% behavior, 20% knowledge.

Dave Ramsey

Money blocks that limit you from experiencing an abundant and wealthy life

Here are some widespread money blocks that keep you from getting that abundant life you dream of.

Beliefs that money is not for you

Does it ring any bells?

Money doesn’t bring happiness”.

Or “money is the root of all evil”.

Growing up with constant fights about money between our parents.

All of these add up to a common mindset that is rooted in your subconscious…

… “I’m not good enough” for this.

Sounds familiar?

This is my archenemy. I’m in a constant fight with this particular programming.

That’s why I made a habit of watching or listening to interviews with successful people around the world.

It helps me and it proves to me that it can be done because, in many situations, those people started from ZERO.

These real-life examples can also contradict your negative beliefs and thus help prove that…

… there is light at the end of the tunnel.

You just have to walk the walk.

Blurred visualizations or vague goals

This means that you’re not specific enough with what you want.

I want more money”.

Asking for more money doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be rich…

… getting a 10 dollars raise is not going to make you rich, but hey, it is more money.

That’s why you need to be very specific with how much money you want, and you need to know exactly what you’ll do with it.

Set a time frame for you to get a specific sum.

See it, feel it, ask for it and then let go.

Subtle aspects/items lying around in your environment

… that involuntarily programs your subconscious.

These can be simple things like random receipts and/or small change (coins) lying around your house. Guilty!

Or any item that might remind you of previous hard times that you went through.

Take a moment and analyze the environment where you spend the most time.

Fun fact…

… I finally realized that I have small change and LOTS of receipts sitting in various places in my house, AFTER reading the second time about it.

So, keep an open mind, and don’t be afraid to discover that you too have limiting beliefs about money.

Being extra cautious with money

I have to work hard for my money”.

Money doesn’t grow on trees”, right?

Although is nothing wrong with being extra careful with your hard-earned money, this can be a problem if you only save money.

What good is to you a big fat bank account if you’re choosing not to enjoy at least a small portion of that?

It is indeed recommended that you should keep a constant lookout on your cash flow (both ways) …

… but being too cautious can be the foundation of self-sabotage.

Methods to combat any money blocks

Seeing what limiting beliefs are and how those can keep you down…

… let’s explore some ways through which we can combat any money blocks.


I just made up that word.

What I mean by it is to get rid of anything that no longer serves you.

Get rid of clothes you no longer wear, and various stuff that you have stored in your wallet, car(s), kitchen, bedroom(s), balcony, cellar, attic, etc.

Don’t just throw away all that stuff. You could give it away.

After all, “One man’s garbage is another’s treasure”.

Clean your computer from various junk files that you carried around since 2005. Guilty!

Cancel any paid memberships that you no longer use. Also, guilty!

Leave behind any old friendships or relations with clients that don’t seem to work anymore.

If you feel like adopting a minimalist lifestyle, go for it.

Whenever you want to manifest money or literally anything in your life, you must make room for it.

That is the idea behind all this.

Get rid of the old to make room for the new.

Express gratitude and appreciation

Make a habit to thank God, the Universe, Allah, or however you want to call it…

… for your health and everything you have achieved so far.

Include a thanking mantra in your morning routine.

You can use it at the end of your morning meditation.

Don’t think that this is some elaborate phrase of some sort.

A simple “Thank you for my health, my relationships, and my wisdom” is more than enough to put you in the moment.

Don’t be afraid or ashamed or too darn proud to thank others.

Now more than ever we should be more united and appreciative of our health, our families, our freedoms, and for being alive.


Although I did not try it, many people recommend it.

If you don’t feel comfortable with the classic hypnosis method where you sit with another person…

… there are other ways like specially designed sessions to listen to.

The best part of this is that you don’t have to be awake, so you can easily play these while you sleep.

Be careful though and don’t just listen to any piece of soundwave out there…

… but search for trustworthy sources.

I can give you one example just to set you in the right direction.

You can try Amy Applebaum’s Attracting Good Luck: Money, Love & Happiness (Self-Hypnosis & Meditation).

It’s a paid product and you can find it on Google Play and I think it is also available on Apple iTunes.


It’s common practice in the law of attraction movement, also among successful people. Why?

Because to be able to develop a healthy mindset and grow you need to expand your knowledge about yourself.

How can you learn more about yourself?

By being self-aware.

How can you cultivate and nourish self-awareness?

Through meditation.

Find 10 minutes in your daily schedule and meditate.

Identify and focus on eliminating that respective money block.

If you can’t do it on your own because your mind wanders in so many places…

… you can try a guided meditation.

If you’re interested, I write about how you can use meditation to attract money here.

Whether you’ll change or not, change IS inevitable.

By the way. A good read, very short and fully packed with lessons about change is the book called “Who Moved My Cheese?”.

Embrace change and enjoy it.

I want to close this article with something to think about.

I want you to realize that…

… there is no key to success. It’s a combination!

Destroying any limiting belief about money is part of that combination.

Stay well, stay healthy, fly high!

I appreciate you for reading this far,
